Chapter 1160 You Must Save Him

"It's indeed a good thing, so the prince has shown mercy, and I don't blame you for concealing the crime."

Bei Chenjue said solemnly, but Yun Jinli gave him a blank look.

"If you dare to blame me, I will ignore you."

Yun Jinli said domineeringly, making Bei Chenjue tug at the corner of her clothes quickly.

"My lady, don't ignore me, or it will be worse than killing me."

Bei Chenjue said, he would rather be scolded than she ignore him.

"I was joking with you, but you took it seriously."

Yun Jinli couldn't help but smile when she saw his eyes, which were as deep as the sea, shining as if water was about to overflow.

"Every word the lady says, I take it seriously."

Bei Chenjue said seriously, making both Master Luanqing and Bai Li unable to listen anymore.

"I can't stand the two of you, woman, hurry up and take me to meet your patriarch!"

God Luanqing looked at the sweet look of the two of them, he was really abusive to single dogs.

"The person in front of you is the patriarch of the Liu Clan."

Bai Li kindly reminded him.

"You mean that old grandpa?"

Master Luanqing subconsciously felt that Liu Yeyang was the patriarch of the Liu Clan, but could he be too weak?


Seeing the seriousness of Luanqing, Bai Li still told him the truth.

"Our Xiaojin is the new head of the Liu Clan."


God Luanqing sprayed on the spot, if he could, he would spray blood on the spot.

"Woman, don't play like this! Isn't your clan protected by Emperor Qing? How many clansmen are there?"

"Almost all here."

Yun Jinli replied seriously, pointing to the people in front of her, the whole clan was almost the same.

"Woman, I'm going to strangle you!"

God Luanqing went crazy, thanks to his careful preparation all the way.

"Then let's die together!"

Yun Jinli said calmly.

"Look how honored you are to see the patriarch of our clan every day."

"It's an honor to your uncle."

Luanqing was so angry that he jumped.

"You are really honored to meet my uncle."

Yun Jinli said with a smile, wearing the signature smile of harmlessness to humans and animals.

"Couldn't Qingdi be fake too?"

Master Luanqing felt that he had been deceived by this bad woman, she was really bad.

"you guess."

Yun Jinli remembered Qingdi's situation, so she went to the top of the cliff with Bei Chenjue to see Qingdi's situation.

The great god Luanqing followed, and when he saw this huge willow tree, a look of awe appeared on his face.

This is truly a powerful deity.

It's just that it's too extravagant for such a powerful god to only guard such a small family!
"Little Yunduo, why didn't you reunite with them and came to Emperor Qing?"

Bei Chenjue asked suspiciously, everyone happened to be reunited at this time, why did she come here?
"There's something wrong with Qingdi's situation, God help me to create an enchantment on this windy cliff on the water's edge."

Yun Jinli is a doctor, so he found out that something was wrong with Emperor Qing.

Others are not medical students, and it is normal to not find it.

"it is good."

For such a trivial matter, the Great God Luanqing responded immediately, and then arranged the isolation barrier.

"Could it be the poison from last time?"

Bei Chenjue remembered the poisoning incident in Jiangxue City, when Emperor Qing saved everyone.

It's just that he didn't notice Qingdi's own situation, and now it seems that there may be something wrong.

Yun Jinli came to the side of the willow tree and saw that the branches and leaves were all black, so she knew that Qing Emperor was deeply poisoned, and he couldn't resolve it himself.

"You have to save him."

 Everyone must indicate the source of Ge'er's tribal posts in the future.Respect originality!

(End of this chapter)

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