Chapter 1161 I Can Only Help Them

Emperor Qing is the patron saint of Jiangxue City, even if he was poisoned, he did not let others know.

Now that Yun Jinli came back, he was already very weak.

The poison under Hualiuyan is very vicious, and its purpose is to turn the whole city into a dead city. This poison is fused with many most poisonous things, and the fused together is very strong.

"Is Qingdi's condition serious?"

Bei Chenjue asked, with a look of concern on his face.

"Well, if it weren't for the strength of the Qing Emperor, I'm afraid we won't be able to wait until we come back."

Yun Jinli couldn't help being angry when he thought of Hua Liuyan's viciousness.

"I want to see the poison in him first."

She came under the willow tree, Qingdi felt that she was approaching, so he didn't take precautions.

"Qingdi, it's me, and now I want to detoxify you."

Yun Jinli reached out and grabbed a willow branch, Bei Chenjue worried that she would be poisoned too, but she waved her hand.

"I'm fine, these poisons can't hurt me."

She held the blackened willow branch, distinguishing the toxins in the willow branch.

"Bi Luo, you clean up these poisons first."

Yun Jinli called out Biluo. Although he was poisonous, he was also a magic weapon for detoxification.

"Okay, master. I like all kinds of poison the most."

Bi Luo bit a piece of willow branch and absorbed the poison into her body.

With Bi Luo detoxifying Qing Emperor, his condition improved a lot.

The original black willow branches have gradually faded in color.

"Master, there is still some poison left, which has penetrated into Qingdi's body, and there is nothing I can do to help him."

Bi Luo said.

"The remaining poison needs to be treated with medication."

Yun Jinli knew that Biluo could only keep Qingdi out of danger, but to really detoxify, it needed to prepare the right medicine.

"Qingdi, I need a drop of your blood."

"Go ahead and take it."

Qingdi replied that he was too weak to answer her words before, but now he feels much better.

Yun Jinli punctured the willow branch, took out a drop of poisonous blood, and put it into the bottle.

"The Hua family belongs to my mother and grandmother's family. Now I am the patriarch of the two families. Emperor Qing doesn't need to shoulder the heavy responsibility of guarding Jiangxue City alone. If you are tired, take a rest."


Emperor Qing heard her words, and some of the painting clan moved to Jiangxue City, and the other Xiao Xiaoxiao dared not make any wrong decisions about Jiangxue City.

"The remaining poison you have needs to be forced out. I will study the composition of the poison and prepare an antidote for you."

Yun Jinli left the top of Liu'an Fengya with poisonous blood.

After hearing her words, Emperor Qing put away all the remaining power and used it to force out the residual poison in his body.

The willow branches that have been shining for hundreds of years on the willow bank wind cliff suddenly dimmed at this moment, without a trace of brilliance.

Qingdi gathered all his strength to force out the poison, so he didn't distribute his divine power to other willow branches, and the light was completely dimmed.

"Woman, should I remove the isolation barrier?"

After Luanqing came down, he asked Yun Jinli a question.

"Why remove it? Keep it useful."

Yun Jinli shook her head, and went back to Yunxue Starry Sky with her poisonous blood to study.

"What's the use of isolating the enchantment?"

Master Luanqing looked puzzled, wondering what her plan was.

"Of course it has a big effect."

Yun Jinli pursed her lips and smiled. She originally thought that Huashen and Qingdi had settled their feud after returning this time, but she didn't expect that there was no progress at all, so she could only help them.

The willow branches on the willow bank and the wind cliff have lost their light, and the aura of the Qing Emperor has disappeared. She doesn't believe that the Flower God can continue to stay calmly across the lake, indifferent.

 There was no threshold for Geer's fan group before, and everyone could join, which caused some non-readers to join in and make troubles, which affected Geer's mood of coding.

  In the future, only genuine true love fans can be added, and those who are already in the group must be verified, and those with a fan value of more than [-] points can be added.

  Five hundred fan points means spending five yuan, which is equivalent to five bottles of mineral water.

  The profile of the skirt number is there, no further notice.

(End of this chapter)

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