Chapter 1165 Why Do You Like Me
When the two were sweet in the courtyard, countless sky lanterns suddenly rose in the night sky of Jiangxue City.

When the sky lanterns flew up, they looked like a beautiful sea of ​​stars.

The lamps in the world are brighter than the stars.

"what is that?"

Yun Jinli flew up curiously, and looked at the beautiful night sky.

Bei Chenjue also flew into the air, but he was really depressed.

It's too much for her to belittle him and run away just like that!
Can't you be a little thinner?

"A lot of sky lanterns, is today a festival?"

She remembered the Flower Rain Festival in Jiangxue City, when she and her mother had just returned to the Liu Clan.

In the blink of an eye, a year has passed.

"I don't remember what festival is there today. Look at the writing on the sky lantern."

Bei Chenjue thought about it, but didn't realize what holiday it was today.

All the lights in the night sky had words written on them, and one of them flew not far from them.

"I'll see what's written."

Yun Jinli used her spiritual sense to read the words on the sky lantern, but she didn't expect it to be a blessing for their wedding.

"Congratulations to the city lord on his great wedding, and may he grow old together."

Bei Chenjue also looked at a few sky lanterns, all of which were entrusted with blessings.

"This is the people in the city, congratulating you on your wedding."

Yun Jinli looked at the endless sea of ​​sky lanterns and felt a warm feeling in her heart.

There are many warm people in this warm city, which makes her want to protect it.

She hopes to have a quiet harbor, and when the wind and rain subside in the future, she can be with her beloved in this beautiful courtyard, watching the clouds and listening to the flowers bloom.

"It seems that my princess is more popular among the people."

Bei Chenjue spoke, with a gentle smile on his face.

Seeing Mancheng blessing her, he felt that she must like this gift.

This was not his arrangement, but the spontaneous decision of the people in the city. After hearing the news of her return, everyone put up the sky lanterns together.

"I don't care if I win the hearts of the people. The road ahead is long, and I'm doomed to overcome obstacles all the way. Many people may misunderstand me or slander me, but I'm not afraid. As long as you believe in me, even if the world is an enemy, you will have no fear."

Yun Jinli said firmly that she has never been a weak woman, and she will walk firmly on the long road of life.

At this moment, this city warms her, but she understands that there are too many unsatisfactory things in life. After leaving this Jiangxue City, she still has to face many winds and frosts.

"I believe in you more than I believe in myself."

Bei Chenjue held her hand, and they were together at this moment, making a promise for a lifetime under this sky lantern in the sky.

"I will be with you in this life, and I am willing to be your North Star to light up your sky."

"If you say yes, you can't go back on your word."

Yun Jinli shook hands with him and made a tick, which means it's settled.

"No regrets."

Bei Chenjue nodded, he was very grateful to the people of Jiangxue City for praying for her, which made her smile happily.

He will also protect this city for her.

"Jue, why do you like me?"

The two landed on the roof, looking at the beautiful night sky, Yun Jinli asked.

"Do you still need a reason to like you?"

Bei Chenjue shook his head.

"It's my habit to like you. I can't change it even if I want to. What should I do?"

"Then let's mix it cold!"

Yun Jinli said with a smile.

"Or scrambled eggs with watermelon."

"It's not serious at all, so tell me, why do you like me?"

Bei Chenjue asked curiously.

"Is it a reason to be seduced by your beauty?"

Yun Jinli said playfully, making Bei Chenjue's head full of black lines.

"Little Yunduo!"


 Good night little snowflake!Don't forget the monthly pass!
  Ge'er is exhausted physically and mentally now. After a few days of rest, there will be more updates. Don't worry.

(End of this chapter)

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