The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 1166 Someone Assassinated the Crown Princess

Chapter 1166 Someone Assassinated the Crown Princess

The sun is shining brightly, and the other shore city is as grand and domineering as before, and the crown of the sky star tree is shining brightly.

A gorgeous car, decorated with a festive red ribbon, sped all the way from the official road.

A light cavalry accompanied the car on both sides, carrying a bright red flag in its hand, from far to near.

This is a welcoming team, all the way from Jiangxue City to Bi'an City.

At this moment, there are already many Dacheng Houli waiting at the gate of the city, but this time they did not dare to stop the crown princess.

Because when Yun Jinli and the others returned to Jiangxue City, news of the new patriarch of the Hua clan spread. At first they thought the new patriarch Hua Liuyan, but in the end no one thought that it would be the princess.

Such a small family as the Liu family was originally not enough for them to pay attention to.

But the Hua clan, an ancient clan, is different. There are many strong people among those elders, and their heritage is very deep.

"Who would have thought that the Crown Princess is actually the true eldest daughter of the Hua clan?"

"His Royal Highness, the eyes are too sharp."

"We almost got into a catastrophe, and now the Crown Princess is the new head of the Hua Clan."

"Hurry up and respectfully welcome her into the palace, I hope she won't bear the grudge that we blocked her last time."

"The voices against the Crown Princess before have all died down now."

"The Hua clan can kill people in their dreams. Who dares to disrespect the princess? I don't know how they will die."

Seeing that the car was arriving soon, everyone stopped discussing.

"Welcome Your Royal Highness!"

"Welcome to the princess!"

Shan's voice resounded, and Bei Chenjue didn't need to speak, they saluted one after another.

"Count them acquainted."

Xuezhan curled her lips and said, when his mistress came to the imperial capital last time, she was made things difficult for her.

Now that the domineering has returned, the identity of the new patriarch of the Hua clan can crush them to death.

"Get up!"

Bei Chenjue raised his hand, and all the officials moved out of the way in fear.

The driver walked in through the open gate, leading directly to the palace.

When the car was driving halfway, several figures suddenly appeared, rushing towards the car with a knife in hand.

"Escort! Someone assassinated the princess!"

The guard yelled, and the flag in his hand turned into a spear, attacking those figures.

Bei Chenjue just raised his hand, and a whirlwind rose all around on the ground, and these people were swept up.

"Keep alive and interrogate well."

He said lightly, and Mo Yu immediately responded, restraining these people and preventing them from committing suicide.

They dared to assassinate the princess in front of Prince Beichen, who was number one on the ladder list, they were really stupid, and they were completely overestimated.

Yun Jinli sat in the car with Xiaodiandian and Xiaoyunyi, and the outside affairs seemed to have nothing to do with them. With Beichenjue's protection, they didn't need to worry about other things at all.

"Mother, are you and Dad getting married?"

Xiao Yunyi asked curiously after listening to Xiaodiandian about this matter.


Yun Jinli nodded. His Royal Highness's wedding needs to be set by Master Si Tian.Si Tian Guoshi is responsible for observing celestial phenomena, calculating solar terms and so on.

For such an important event as the prince's wedding, it is natural that the national teacher of the ancient Galaxy country should set the time.

This is the rule of the Galaxy Kingdom, and everyone needs to abide by it.

"Does mother like daddy very much? Only those who like very much will get married, right?"

Xiao Yunyi asked curiously, she saw Yun Jinli the first time she was born, and she was extremely dependent on her in her heart.

"When you are with people who make you feel comfortable, you will be very happy."

(End of this chapter)

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