Chapter 1169 She Finds a Daddy

"Little Yunduo, explain it to me!"

Bei Chenjue said, watching Xiao Yunyi stuff the spirit stone into his hand, he doesn't like eating stones.

"Then do you want to eat me?"

Yun Jinli blinked her eyes and revealed a playful smile.

"Don't eat."

Looking at their pair of partners, Bei Chenjue could only compromise.

"Little Yiyi, your daddy said he won't eat your mother, so stop crying."

Yun Jinli reached out and touched Xiao Yunyi's head, and she immediately showed a sweet smile.


Xiao Yunyi nodded obediently, she looked like a delicate doll, her cute appearance made people want to pinch her little cheek and then kiss her.

Looking at the picture of the two of them together, Bei Chenjue showed a doting smile.

Although Yun Jinli is a queen, in his eyes she is like a lovely daughter who needs his care. He is willing to become a mountain so that she can rely on her.

"The two of you are not like mother and daughter, but more like little sisters."

"Then if you say that, aren't you the father of me and Yiyi?"

Yun Jinli joked.

People say: "A good man will make people feel like they have found a father, someone loves and cares for them, and they are not willing to make her sad. A bad man makes people feel like they have found a son, and they have to worry about everything and serve him." Him, be angry with him. If you meet a man who dotes on you like a daughter, then you are right to choose him. "

Can she say that she has found a man like her father?

"Little Yunduo is really naughty!"

Bei Chenjue reached out and touched her head, picked her up, and walked into the hall.

Now the inside of the hall has also been carefully arranged, with many beautiful objects on display, each of which is full of delicacy and care.

All the glazed palace lanterns are in the shape of beautiful flying birds.

The hanging crystal bead curtains sparkle in the sunlight.

The most beautiful thing is a huge milky white shell bed in the main hall. The bed curtains of silk gauze like a waterfall hang down, covering the shell bed.

"This is a bed made of thousand-year-old shells brought back from the deep sea by the owner. These shark gauze bed curtains are exchanged with the shark people from the mainland."

Xuezhan said that his master really worked hard to get married with the mistress.

Although he doesn't know what love is, he can feel that the master is really kind to the mistress.

He has been with his master for so many years, and he has never seen his master treat anyone so attentively.

Before she grew up, the master had been silently guarding her with a phantom, and he wanted to know everything about her.

The master does not allow anyone to slander her, let alone bully her, even if she contradicts him and disrespects him, he just smiles dotingly.

When he learned of the queen's accident, the master was heartbroken and furious.His emotions are completely influenced by her.

After Xuezhan knew that her master had met her, her cold face gradually changed into a smile.

Now as long as there is a hostess, you can see the gentle smile on the hostess's handsome face, which is as warm as the south wind in the summer afternoon, blowing through the cold winter branches.

"Can I go up and lie down? It looks very comfortable."

Yun Jinli walked in front of the big shell bed, her eyes sparkling.

"I said no, will you listen?"

Bei Chenjue asked back.


Yun Jinli lay directly on the shell bed. The bed was so big and soft that she sank into it, as if she was sleeping on top of clouds.

Bei Chenjue looked at her as happy as a child, and the smiles in his eyes bloomed like flowers in the night.

 Xingyun and his wife are going to give out candy, Xiaoxuehua don't be sweetened to death! ^_^
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(End of this chapter)

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