Chapter 1170 Incomprehensible Meaning

Yun Jinli rolled several times on the bed and didn't want to get up at all.

"Xuezhan, take them to live in the side hall."

Bei Chenjue said.

Xuezhan immediately understood, and took Xiaodiandian and Xiaoyunyi to Piandian's residence.

"Yiyi still wants to play with mother."

Xiao Yunyi looked at Yun Jinli reluctantly, not wanting to go anywhere else.

"Your mother is exhausted, Yiyi has to be good, and after she has rested, you can look for her again, okay?"

Xuezhan seriously abducted Xiao Yunyi. As the most obedient daughter, Xiao Yunyi followed Xuezhan obediently after hearing his words.

"Xuezhan, why did Big Brother Beichen want to eat Miss Sister? Now that we're gone, will he want to eat Miss Sister?"

Xiao DianDian asked seriously, indicating that the Holy King of Reincarnation could not understand this meaning.

"I don't know that either!"

Xuezhan was also confused.

"Otherwise, let's go out and ask Mo Yu! He knows a lot."


Xiaodiandian followed him to the main hall, he knew that Bei Chenjue would not hurt Yun Jinli.

There were some things he couldn't fully understand, but he absolutely believed that Bei Chenjue was very kind to Yun Jinli.

After they came out, they found Mo Yu who was guarding outside.

"Mo Yu, I have a question for you."

Xuezhan said.

"what is the problem?"

Mo Yu looked at him curiously, not knowing what he wanted to ask.

"Why did the master eat the mistress?"

Xuezhan asked seriously, Xiaoyunyi and Xiaodiandian also looked at Moyu in unison.

Three pairs of eyes stared at him tightly, making him stressed.

"It's not suitable for children."

Mo Yu thought for a while, then said seriously.

"I'm not a child, I'm a young dragon."

Xuezhan continued to stare at Mo Yu, the less he said anything, the more curious he became.

"I'm not a child either, I'm a girl."

Xiao Yunyi's childish voice fell crisply, and her cleverness was gone.

"I... I, you can just pretend that I don't exist."

Xiao DianDian thought for a while, as if he was the only child, so she said something domineeringly.

Seeing the curious looks of the three of them, Mo Yu felt dumbfounded.

"Actually, His Majesty said he wanted to eat, but he didn't actually eat it. It's just... well, it's delicious."

Mo Yu is also an innocent child, if he was asked to explain this kind of thing, he would immediately blush.

"Brother Mo Yu, what is a beautiful meal?"

Xiao Yunyi asked seriously, showing the look of a curious baby.

"Yiyi, why do you call him brother and me uncle?"

Xuezhan's focus was here, and when he heard Xiao Yunyi address Mo Yu, he immediately showed a look of grievance.

"It's not fair!"

"Because Brother Mo Yu is handsome!"

Xiao Yunyi said frankly that Xuezhan almost vomited blood.

"Don't bring such a dragon attack?"

Xuezhan said quietly.

"Yi is telling the truth, not lying."

Xiao Yunyi still answered straightforwardly, Xuezhan didn't want to talk to her anymore.

"Beautiful looks mean to be good-looking, which makes people kiss."

Mo Yu blushed and said, with embarrassment written all over her face.

It's even more difficult for them to let him popularize such a piece of wood than to let him perform the task.


The three nodded in unison and made meaningful voices.

"I'm going to interrogate the assassin."

Mo Yu was afraid that they would ask another weird question, so he ran away directly.

"Why is Mo Yu running so fast? No one is chasing him?"

Xuezhan said suspiciously, she had no idea why he was running away?

"Speaking of which, who sent those assassins?"

(End of this chapter)

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