The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 1173 So Stupid He Can't Bear To Look Directly

Chapter 1173 So Stupid He Can't Bear To Look Directly


Xuezhan couldn't help cursing, if they didn't provoke his mistress, they were just two small characters, and his mistress wouldn't bother to talk to them.

Unexpectedly, they would go so far as to send killers to assassinate Yun Jinli.

It was so stupid that he couldn't bear to look at it.

"Master, what are you going to do with these two idiots?"

"My big wedding with Xiao Yunduo, I will save their lives. There is a silver crystal mine outside the city, and there has been a shortage of mining manpower, so I will send them there."

Bei Chenjue said, they thought they were dignified, and they targeted Yun Jinli everywhere at the beginning, but now they are sent to work as miners.

"This subordinate is going to do it."

After Mo Yu took the order, he immediately went to deal with it.

The sisters of the Lan family who were anxiously waiting for the news did not wait for the killers to return, but only waited for Mo Yu.

Without giving them any chance to resist, they were directly knocked out by Mo Yu and taken away.

When they opened their eyes, they realized that they had become prisoners in the mine, and they were extremely horrified.

The ore in these mines is very difficult to mine, and the miners here are all criminals, and they are imprisoned here for mining, which is regarded as life imprisonment.

"Why are we here?"


"Let us out!"

They yelled and were immediately rewarded with two whips.

"This is a prison. Anyone who comes in, don't leave. If you make any more noise, you will be beaten to death!"

The ferocious guard, with a fierce look on his face, shouted in a cold voice.

The two were too frightened to move at all, especially when they saw the other ferocious miners, they were trembling with fright, feeling that the future was dark.

It's just that they don't have the courage to commit suicide, so they can only suffer here.

If they were just disrespectful to Yun Jinli, with Yun Jinli's mind, they wouldn't pursue it too much.

She didn't intend to pay attention to them at all, it was just a few disrespectful words, she just heard it.

But they sent killers to take Yun Jinli's life, so Bei Chenjue would blame them even without her speaking.

"Master, other people who have disrespected the mistress, do you want to punish them?"

Xuezhan likes his mistress very much, but it's not a love between a man and a woman.

"No need, what those people have said and what they have done is not too much, and there is no need to care about it."

Bei Chenjue said calmly, he knew that Yun Jinli was not the kind of narrow-minded person, and she would not be angry if she hadn't touched her bottom line.

With a thousand people and a thousand mouths, who can guarantee that what they say is all praise?

"But when I think of them talking about the mistress, I feel very angry!"

Xuezhan doesn't know why the master doesn't clean up those talkative people for the mistress, doesn't the master like the mistress very much?
"Xuezhan, look at this glass of water, as long as I mix a little cinnabar into it, it will be completely red."

Bei Chenjue didn't answer him directly, but put the pen in his hand on the water cup, and dripped cinnabar into it.

In an instant, a glass of water was completely red.

"If I put this bit of cinnabar into the lake outside, what will happen to it?"

"It's just a little bit of cinnabar, and it will fall apart soon! You can't see anything."

Xuezhan said, this kind of question is very simple, everyone knows it.

"This water glass is like a person's chest. If the chest is big enough, it can accommodate Baichuan. If the chest is too narrow, even a little stain can make the whole heart dark."

What Bei Chenjue said made Xuezhan fall into deep thought.

 I hope everyone can support the original version. Geer also needs to live and eat, and children also need Geer to raise them.

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(End of this chapter)

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