Chapter 1174

"If the mind is broad enough, can even the enemy be forgiven? Then why does the master punish those people?"

Xuezhan didn't understand Bei Chenjue's words, since he and the hostess have a broad mind, why are they never soft-hearted when dealing with enemies?
Shouldn't they just smile and let them go?
Only in this way can it appear that the mind is as broad as the sea.

"Since it's an enemy, what's the point of being open-minded? Isn't that stupid?"

Bei Chenjue scolded Xuezhan directly, making him look aggrieved.

Where is he stupid?
"If you don't treat the enemy cruelly, then he will hurt the people around you. Sometimes, if a person doesn't know how to be flexible, he clings to some principles and wants to be a saint. In the end, he will have nothing and his family will be destroyed. pity?"

Bei Chenjue thought very thoroughly, he is not a narrow-minded person, but he is very decisive and ruthless.

When it is broken, it is broken, and when it is killed, it is killed.

Especially in his heart, there is a person who he wants to protect all his life.

Maybe he will take it lightly if he offends him, but for those who are unfavorable to his wife, he will personally solve the troubles.

"I seem to understand."

Xuezhan nodded, understanding what he said.

Sometimes you have to be forgiving and forgiving, but if you are an enemy, you should stop talking about those big principles, just strangle them to death, so as not to come out and make trouble again.

"Then I compiled a list of bad things about the hostess, isn't it useless?"

Xuezhan had a mournful face, feeling that her efforts were wasted.

"Since you want to vent your anger on your mistress, it's easy..."

Bei Chenjue beckoned, let Xuezhan come to him, and gave him an idea.

After hearing this, Xuezhan felt that this method was very good, so she followed Bei Chenjue's words that day.

As a result, those on the list who gossip behind their backs, for some unknown reason, fell ill.

It is said that they were frozen at night.

However, this is obviously a warm spring, how could so many people get sick from the cold?

Although they were frostbitten, it was not serious.

"Hmph, let you say my mistress! I have to let you know the result of gossiping."

Xuezhan sat on the roof and said arrogantly.

The majestic Fengxue Yinlong went to blow air-conditioning with others in the middle of the night, and this method was enough to hurt people.

It seems that Bei Chenjue is still very black-bellied to come up with this method.

"I don't have a heart or something. Anyway, if you offend my mistress, you will all be unlucky."

Xuezhan, who has been fascinated by Yun Jinli's delicacies, is now her most loyal guardian.

If asked whether he prefers Bei Chenjue or Yun Jinli, he would definitely answer his mistress without hesitation.

Bei Chenjue was dealing with official duties in the study, and did not go back to the bedroom to rest, otherwise he would be bullied by that bad girl again.

After she fell asleep, he quietly went to cover her with the quilt, sat by her bed, and looked at her quietly.

In the early morning of the next day, the sky was slightly bright, and the sky was pale.

Bei Chenjue received the news from Mo Yu that the national teacher had already set the date of the big wedding, just three days later.

"Three days later."

He pinched his fingers and calculated, and seeing the hexagrams calculated by divination made him feel uneasy, and always felt that something would happen.

"Master, it's not good, something happened."

Xuezhan hurried in and said anxiously.

"If you have something to say directly, there is no need to panic."

Bei Chenjue said calmly, put down the compass in his hand, and looked up at Xuezhan.

"The imperial concubine Qiuju in the palace died last night."

When Xuezhan heard the news, she immediately came to inform Bei Chenjue.

"Aren't there still fewer people dying in the palace? What's there to panic about?"

Bei Chenjue spoke calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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