Chapter 1175 Murder in the Palace

This harem is a place of right and wrong, and many people don't know how they died.

In order to compete for the emperor's favor, they may be good sisters one second, and will stab the knife into the other's chest the next second.

It is obviously a magnificent palace, but countless beauties and fragrant souls are buried there.

"The death of Concubine Qiu Ju is nothing to be surprised about. After all, she is now considered a very favored concubine in the harem. It is normal for people to covet her."

Xuezhan said.

"But, she died so strangely... Some people say..."

"What are you talking about? What are you talking about?"

Bei Chenjue said coldly, and Xuezhan was so frightened that he hurriedly finished speaking.

"They didn't find out the cause of the imperial concubine's death. An old imperial doctor determined the cause of death. She died in a dream."

Xuezhan looked worried and continued to speak.

"The hostess just entered the palace yesterday, and Concubine Qiuju died in a dream. Everyone suspects that the hostess killed the concubine, because she died of the dream technique unique to the Hua clan, killing without blood, and dying in a dream."

"Oh? I just fell asleep, and someone fell asleep."

Yun Jinli had already gotten up, and after hearing Xuezhan's words, it seemed that someone was going to deal with her.

Now she is the patriarch of the Hua clan, and everyone knows her identity.

She can dream, and everyone knows it.

It was such a coincidence that someone died as soon as she entered the palace, and it was the noble concubine Qiu Ju who was in charge of the harem.

Even if others don't say it, they will suspect that she did it.

"I'm sure it wasn't the mistress who did it."

When Xuezhan saw Yun Jinli coming in, she couldn't help being startled.

"It's useless for you to believe, it's clear that it's aimed at me."

A few days after Yun Jinli's birthday, she was involved in a murder case as soon as she came to the palace.

People always say that the palace is a place where people can eat people, but there is nothing wrong with that.

The scariest thing here is the human heart.

"Don't worry, little Yunduo, I will investigate this matter, and I won't let anyone pour dirty water on you."

Bei Chenjue stood up, with a look of anger on his face.

This harem battle has always been common, but if anyone wants to drag Yun Jinli into the water, he will be the first to refuse.

"Since it was done by Mengshu, I still need to go and see for myself. You are not from the Hua clan, so even if you check, you won't find anything."

Yun Jinli was not afraid, if someone wanted to play with her, she would accompany her to the end.

"Let's go."

Bei Chenjue thought it made sense, so he took her to see the murder scene.

She is not a weak woman, even if the wind and rain come, she will not be afraid.

"Jue, do you believe me?"

Yun Jinli walked out of Liuyun Palace together with him, this time the noble concubine Qiuju died in her dream, can he believe that she was not the one who did it?
"Little Yunduo, even if you did it, I will protect you. What's more, if someone else framed you, I will definitely not let the murderer go unpunished!"

Bei Chenjue held her hand, and his voice fell firmly.

"Then how do you know it wasn't me?"

Yun Jinli looked at him curiously, his handsome profile glowed softly in the sunlight.

The golden robe is so dazzling that people dare not look directly at it.

"It's just a little noble concubine, I don't think Little Yunduo cares about it at all."

Bei Chenjue said domineeringly that he knew her character very well.

Concubine Qiu Ju didn't have any major conflicts with her, let alone to the point of being immortal.

She didn't bother to kill Concubine Qiu Ju at all.

"Can it be said that I don't remember who she is at all?"

Yun Jinli had a particularly good memory, but she didn't bother to remember some passers-by.

 I hope that the recommendation ticket can be given to Her Majesty the Queen! ^_^

(End of this chapter)

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