Chapter 1186 Did not find out the reason

"I also know about this matter, but I haven't found out the reason."

Bei Chenjue frowned, this matter has troubled him for a long time, he didn't tell Yun Jinli before, it was because she was worried when she got married.

Originally planned to let her see the situation of the empress after the big wedding, but she didn't expect to find out by herself.

"I suspect it has something to do with a lotus blood jade hairpin worn by my mother. I wanted to see that hairpin today, but she reacted very violently. She refused to let me see that jade hairpin and issued an order to evict me."

Yun Jinli said.

"Then you plan to visit at night?"

Hearing what she said, Bei Chenjue also felt that there was something wrong with the lotus blood jade hairpin.

Is there anything that has to be hidden?

The more you hide, the more there is a problem.

"Let's go and see together later."

Bei Chenjue was also very worried about his mother's situation, and when he learned that Yun Jinli had found a clue, he had to go and have a look.

"That's fine. In addition, the queen mother also told me not to drink the wine in the hands of the national teacher during the wedding. She should suspect that there is something wrong with the wine."

Yun Jinli was sitting on a wooden chair beside her, and saw Xiaodiandian in the side hall teaching Xiaoyunyi how to write.

If Xiao DianDian and You Epiphyllum were not a couple, she would think that they are a good match.

"The wine was given by the national teacher, so there should be no problem."

Bei Chenjue shook his head, feeling that his mother's guess was wrong.

"I'm not sure what the source of the contract is. Little Yunduo, every generation of queens will be in danger like this, are you afraid?"

"I'm not even afraid of the soul, let alone a contract?"

Yun Jinli shook her head. She knew the truth about the death curse of the Queen of the Ancient Galaxy, but she was not afraid.

"Speaking of the soul, I heard that accidents happened to people who touched it. Have you touched it before, is there anything wrong?"

Bei Chenjue remembered this, and asked Yun Jinli.

He always felt that she seemed to be hiding something from him. She always liked to be brave and took care of everything by herself, which made him feel uneasy.

"There's nothing wrong with me, I'm fine right now."

Yun Jinli said with a smile, her heart was still weak for a while, and she didn't have much confidence.

I don't want him to know about the deal between her and Shenpo, otherwise he will definitely blame himself and feel pained.

When the two of them were together, although they said they had to be honest with each other, there were some things that would make him sad when they were told, so she didn't say anything, and just endured it silently.

"It's just that you look tired and thin recently. How about I prepare a Shiquan Dabu soup for you?"

"No need! You can just make up for yourself, take care of your body, so that you won't..."

Bei Chenjue stopped talking halfway through, Yun Jinli gave him a knowing glance.

"What's next? If you keep thinking about it, I want you to look good."

Yun Jinli said angrily.

"I'm not thinking wildly! I just said that your health is better, so that you can govern the country with me in the future."

Bei Chenjue said with an innocent face.

"Otherwise, what do you think I'm going to say?"


Yun Jinli shook her head, she would never tell him.

"Let's have dinner with them first, and we can set off later."

Bei Chenjue asked people to prepare dinner, everyone finished dinner together, and then took a walk in Liuyun Palace, it was already very late.

After letting Xiaodiandian and Xiaoyunyi go to rest, they both wore invisibility cloaks and sneaked into Yuehe Palace.

At this time, the empress had already rested. She was not in good health, so she went to bed earlier.

The two of them sneaked into the hall, searched the dressing table, but did not find the whereabouts of the hairpin.

 In the past, because anyone could join the fan group, many unpleasant things happened, so it was decided to only keep the true fans who participated in the verification.

  Some genuine readers may not have seen the notifications these days. If you meet the conditions for joining the group, you can add [-] fan points in Geershu, and you can add if you want to. Soy sauce.

  Finally, I would like to thank the little snowflake who never gave up!
(End of this chapter)

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