Chapter 1187 What's Hiding Here

"Since the queen mother attaches so much importance to the hairpin, she should place it close to her body."

Yun Jinli didn't find it on the dressing table, so she quietly sneaked to the side of the empress's bed.

All the lights in the bedroom were extinguished, except for a dim light outside.

The queen doesn't like too much light when she sleeps, so these lights are turned off.

The dark palace is somewhat inexplicably scary.

"It really is here."

Yun Jinli could see in the dark, and when she saw the lotus blood jade hairpin, she lay quietly on the inside of the empress's pillow.

She stretched her hand over the empress's body, and when she held the lotus blood jade hairpin, she felt a red light flashing in the jade hairpin, and a chill came from it.

The empress's eyes opened suddenly, which startled Yun Jinli.

At this moment, Bei Chenjue pointed her finger at her body, causing her to fall asleep.


Yun Jinli took away the lotus blood jade hairpin, and the chilly aura emanating from the hairpin became heavier and heavier. If she hadn't possessed the power of the Yin Yang flower, she might not be able to bear the chilly air.

"I'll get the hairpin."

Bei Chenjue felt the chill, and there was indeed something wrong with the hairpin.

He took the lotus blood hosta and did not let Yun Jinli bear the cold.

Yun Jinli felt his caring, even if it was just a casual gesture, it made her feel warm.

He held her little hand in one hand, and there was a sense of righteousness in his body, which could dispel all darkness.

She thought of the night when she saw him for the third time, in that deserted village, he was the one who took her by the hand and walked out of the boundless darkness.

After they returned to Liuyun Palace, they set up barriers around them, and then observed the lotus blood jade hairpin.

The whole body of this blood hosta is bright red, as if it has absorbed fresh blood. The shape of the lotus is lifelike, and each petal is very gorgeous.

"I heard from that aunt that this blood jade hairpin was given to the queen mother by Hua Liuyan."

Yun Jinli mentioned that the blood jade hairpin seemed to have the power to confuse people, but it had no effect on her.

"Let me see what's hidden in here."

Bei Chenjue shattered the blood jade hairpin with divine power, and saw a wisp of bloody mist inside.

The color of the blood mist was very thick, as if it was about to bleed.

"Jue, be careful!"

Yun Jinli quickly pushed Bei Chenjue away, and the blood-colored mist rushed into her body.

Her eyes turned crimson in an instant, but regained clarity within a short while.

"Little Yunduo, how are you?"

Bei Chenjue didn't expect Yun Jinli to push him away, and he didn't know what that wisp of blood mist was, so his heart skipped a beat.

"I'm fine, it was Little Butterfly who saved me."

Yun Jinli shook her head, it would be troublesome if the blood mist broke into Bei Chenjue's body.

But if it chose her, it would be asking for its own death.

"what is that?"

Bei Chenjue asked.

"It's the blood-devouring Gu of the Ten Thousand Gu Sect. It can confuse people's hearts and make people unable to leave it. At the same time, it can also absorb the blood energy from people, making people very weak."

Yun Jinli replied.

At the beginning when I painted Liuyan, I was probably using this blood jade hairpin to deliberately make the Queen's body very weak, and then used some things that suppressed the blood-devouring Gu to restore the Queen's body and make her believe in herself.

"It can hide in anyone's blood, but it's a pity that it met me, so it's unlucky."

She has the Supreme Gu on her body, and any other Gu who gets close will be swallowed by the Supreme Gu.

Even this blood-devouring Gu is no exception.

"Don't do that again next time."

Bei Chenjue hugged her tightly. She put herself in danger like this, which made him very worried.

(End of this chapter)

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