The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 1188 What Flowers Are We Going To Enjoy?

Chapter 1188 What Flowers Are We Going To Enjoy?
"But you're going to get hurt."

Yun Jinli was hugged tightly by him, raised her eyes to look at him, and said seriously.

"Even if I get hurt, you are not allowed to hurt yourself at all."

Bei Chenjue said resolutely, he didn't allow her to put herself in danger, just to protect him.

"Oh, I know! Don't be angry! You're still so angry even though I saved you."

Yun Jinli said unhappily, she saved him with good intentions, but he didn't appreciate it.

If he knew that she saved him and cut his life in half, would he die of anger?

Now she is even more afraid to let him know about it.

I feel that the consequences are very serious.

"Don't disregard your own safety to save me, or I'd rather be scarred."

Bei Chenjue said seriously, he is a man, he wants to protect his beloved, not let her protect himself regardless of safety.

Although he was very moved, he was more worried, afraid that she would get hurt.

The injury was on her body, and the pain was on his heart.

"Hmph, if you don't save it, you won't save it, you white-eyed wolf, I really saved you for nothing."

Yun Jinli said angrily, then reached out and pinched his arm.

"Let go of me, I'm going to sleep!"

She wanted to push him away, but was hugged tightly by him, saying nothing to let go.

"I don't let go, we sleep together if we want to. You scared me today, so I want you to pay for it!"

Bei Chenjue said darkly, seeing that she was angry, he would not let go.

He's not stupid, he knew she was angry, so he wanted to coax her, otherwise she didn't know how long she would have to be angry, and she would be fine if she got angry.

"You want me to pay? I won't pay anything, you white-eyed wolf."

Yun Jinli stepped on him, and he still had a smile on his handsome face, allowing her to play with his temper.

"You say I'm a wolf, so should I act like a beast?"

Bei Chenjue held her waist with just enough strength that it wouldn't hurt her, but it made it impossible for her to break free from his embrace.

"I've never seen such a rascal."

Yun Jinli realized that he was getting worse and worse, that he really had strayed into the wolf's den.

"I saved you today, how can you thank me!"

She didn't want to continue talking about the previous topic with him, or she would be led into the ditch by him again.

"I'll take you to see the flowers."

Bei Chenjue didn't wait for her to agree, he hugged her horizontally, and then flew towards a certain place in the palace.

Yun Jinli looked at the imperial palace at night and lit up the lights, like golden flowers blooming in the darkness.

There is no moonlight tonight, even the stars are hidden behind dark clouds, the sky is dark, it looks like it is going to rain.

This spring rain is lingering and lingering. It is the most annoying, but it can moisten everything.

"It's late at night, and it's about to rain. What flowers should we go to see?"

"When you get to the place, you will naturally know."

Bei Chenjue said mysteriously, hugged her delicate body, and flew away.

Her body was very light, and she was held firmly by him.

Layers of pearl and jade tassels in her hair swayed in the wind, accompanied by her black hair splashed with ink, like willow silk in the wind.

"I don't know how Qingdi and Flower God are doing now?"

Yun Jinli suddenly remembered the medicine she had given to Huashen, and wondered if she had given it to Emperor Qing.

At this moment, on the willow bank wind cliff in Jiangxue City, the flower god Han Fei was handing the medicine to Emperor Qing.

"Eat it quickly."

"it is good."

Emperor Qing swallowed the medicine she handed him in one gulp.

"Why don't you ask me what kind of medicine it is?"

Han Fei said speechlessly, he was too casual.

"This is what you gave me..."

Qingdi replied seriously.


Han Fei scolded him, but there was a smile on the corner of her lips.

"Where am I stupid?"

Qing Di was confused.

 Ge'er wanted to save manuscripts every day, but couldn't save them. She was not writing full-time, and there were too many things to do during the day.

  Thank you little snowflakes for waiting, I suggest getting up the next morning to read the article without waiting for a refresh.

(End of this chapter)

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