Chapter 1189 Just For Her Joy

Han Fei didn't answer his question, and when she saw him finish taking the medicine, she left in a hurry, leaving Qing Emperor standing on the cliff, staring at her leaving back.

"Why did you come and leave after so long?"

He really wanted to chase after her, but he was afraid of making her unhappy.

After so many years, he still hasn't learned how to chase girls, let alone chase the goddess in his heart.

"Idiot! Wood!"

Huashen Hanfei was lying among the flowers of the god cherry tree, looking at his dull appearance, she was angry and helpless.

Although he is a willow tree, he is too woody.

If it was before, she and him must have been looking at each other like this.

But she still has his medicine here, and she has to give it to him every day.

Yun Jinli used this trick to create a chance for the two of them to get along. Although the time was shorter, it was still a chance for them to get along.

"Whether you can seize the opportunity is up to you. This relationship is a matter between the two of you. If it's not sweet, that's all I can do."

Yun Jinli thought silently in the palace thousands of miles away.

Qingdi and Huashen have guarded each other for thousands of years. If they don't take this step, their relationship will never end.

In fact, as long as one party takes the initiative, there can be a good result.

"Little Yunduo, look ahead."

Bei Chenjue stood on an arched bridge with Yun Jinli in his arms. It was pitch black and there was nothing there.

I didn't even see a bud, let alone appreciate any flowers.

"No flowers, if it's raining, you'll have a chance if you wait."

Yun Jinli's clear and melodious voice fell, causing Bei Chenjue to show a slight smile.

"Don't worry, the flowers I want to show you will bloom in a while."

Bei Chenjue put her down, then took out a jade flute, and played it slowly.

The spring rain was approaching, and the night was pitch black. The clear and melodious sound of the jade flute he played dispelled the oppressive atmosphere.

Yun Jinli leaned on the arched bridge, listening to him playing the jade flute, a gentle expression floated on her delicate jade face.

When they were young, trapped in the sea of ​​snow, he often played the flute for her to accompany her to sleep.

Those days of surviving and escaping in the sea of ​​snow were all pictures of her dreams for a long time afterwards.

She didn't feel scared, but felt full of warmth.


There was a sound like rain, and Yun Jinli thought it was raining heavily, but she didn't expect that there were glowing flowers in front of her eyes.

These flowers were dull and dull before, with no sense of existence at all.

Now shining in the dark night, it is as beautiful as a dream.

"My God!"

Yun Jinli saw glowing flowers one after another, flowing forward like a shining river of light.

She saw glowing flowers lit up in the darkness in all directions, like thousands of night lights, making the quiet night blurred and charming.

The night flowers in front of her eyes were so beautiful that she didn't know what words to use to describe them.

In the extreme darkness, such flowers blooming are the most beautiful.

Just when she thought that these were the surprises that Bei Chenjue was going to give her, she heard his flute suddenly a little louder.

The next moment, countless flowers flew up, forming a beautiful heart shape in the night sky.

"These are not flowers!"

She looked at the glowing heart in the sky, she was extremely happy, and was moved by his intentions.

These glowing flowers turned out to be a butterfly shaped like a flower.

Seeing her smile, Bei Chenjue felt that no amount of hard work was worth it.

All his arrangements were just for her joy.

 Remember to send the recommendation ticket! ^_^

(End of this chapter)

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