Chapter 1197

Seeing the happy atmosphere, the empress also put a smile on her face.

"The empress looks good today, has her health improved?"

Emperor Xinghe sat beside the empress, seeing that she looked very good today, he asked.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your concern. After taking the medicine given by the crown princess today, I feel strong all over my body."

The empress said with a happy face, after hearing Emperor Xinghe mention it, she realized that she didn't feel weak today, and she was in good spirits all the time.

"It seems we have a good daughter-in-law."

Emperor Xinghe was overjoyed when he heard the words, he was very happy from the bottom of his heart to see the empress's health improved.

The queen's illness has not been cured. It got better before, but the good times didn't last long. He hoped that this time it would last longer.


The queen also liked Yun Jinli more and more. Everyone liked outstanding people. She was naturally very satisfied to see her daughter-in-law being so outstanding.

"The Qiongfang star flower represents the royal family's recognition of the crown princess."

She put a bead flower made of spar on Yun Jinli herself.

"Let Yi'er take you to greet the ancestors of the Beichen royal family. Although the tempers of the ancestors are very weird, you don't have to be afraid."

Emperor Xinghe said to her, after passing this test, it needs the approval of the ancestors.

The crown princess will be the mother of a country in the future, and to become a queen empress, she will naturally need many tests.

If they cannot be recognized, they will not be able to get their support, and their status will be in jeopardy.

"Then we're leaving."

Bei Chenjue took Yun Jinli's hand and took her to see the old ancestor.

Only women who wear Qiongfang star flowers are eligible to be taken to meet the ancestors, otherwise the gate of Lingshan in the early days will not be opened.

In the beginning, the Lingshan Mountain was within the imperial palace, and it was the place where the ancestors of the Beichen Clan retreated.

Generally speaking, outsiders are only allowed to enter when a crown princess is established.

At other times, the ancestors did not contact the outside world, unless it was a critical moment for the life and death of the Beichen clan.

The old ancestors are very old and have long since stopped asking about world affairs.

"Jue, are there many ancestors in your family? How many do we want to greet?"

Yun Jinli followed Bei Chenjue on a small road, and it was not so easy to marry Prince Beichen.It's just that even if there are some troubles, she will not back down.

"A few ancestors come out, we just greet them."

Bei Chenjue also didn't know what was going on in the Lingshan Mountain in the early days, the ancestors rarely showed up, and this time he didn't know how many of them would come out to meet the new crown princess.

"Do they live in the palace too?"

Yun Jinli didn't know the situation here, so she was curious.

"They live in the Lingshan Mountain in the early days. They are considered to be in the palace, but they are separated by an enchantment."

Bei Chenjue explained, leading her through a bamboo forest, and came to a waterfall.

"There is no way here."

Yun Jinli looked at the beautiful white waterfall in front of him, against the bamboo forest beside him, it was extremely quiet.

"Ask the ancestors to open the door for us and there will be a way."

Bei Chenjue used the power of the stars to fight towards the inside of the white waterfall.

The next moment, the waterfall parted from both sides, revealing a door.

"Go in! The ancestors have weird personalities. I don't know what questions they will ask to embarrass you. If you don't want to do it then, just refuse it. It doesn't matter."

Bei Chenjue took Yun Jinli's hand and walked behind the waterfall.

When they entered, the waterfall returned to its original appearance.

This is an enchantment gate. If you break into the waterfall directly, you will find that there is nothing behind it.

 The monthly ticket is given to Xiao Yunduo.

  Ge'er writes slowly, so I'm going to stay up late to write today.

(End of this chapter)

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