The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 1198 A request from the ancestors

Chapter 1198 A request from the ancestors

Entering Taichu Lingshan, the blowing wind is full of aura.

The air here is exceptionally fresh, there are deer galloping past in the mountains, and among a sea of ​​purple flowers, a wooden house and yard look extraordinarily elegant.

A few old men sat in the yard with the gate open, waiting for Yun Jinli and Bei Chenjue.

"The old man thought that this child has never liked a girl in his life, but he didn't expect to bring one back today."

"Since I got Qiongfang Star Flower, it means that I am the crown princess appointed outside."

"But isn't this age too young? We don't know when we will be able to hold our little great-grandson."

Several old men spoke, leaving Yun Jinli and Bei Chenjue speechless for a while.

"Yi'er and his wife, send greetings to all the ancestors."

Bei Chenjue took Yun Jinli and saluted all the ancestors.

"Li'er has met all the ancestors."

Yun Jinli said respectfully, these are Bei Chenjue's ancestors, so she also respected them very much, and she did not lose her courtesy.

"The little girl looks pretty and cute, but if she can't satisfy the ancestors, then it won't work either."

An old grandfather said, looking at Yun Jinli.

They were quite satisfied seeing Yun Jinli's delicate features and heroic spirit.

The girl who married into the Beichen family this time is different from the previous ones, not so low-browed and pleasing to the eye, but heroic.

"If the ancestors have any requirements, just ask them."

Yun Jinli's crisp voice fell clearly.

Although she respects the elders of the Beichen clan, it doesn't mean she is afraid of them.

"This little girl is quite courageous. She even dared to look us in the eye. She is more courageous than those girl dolls before."

Another old man stroked his long gray beard and said, with a warm smile on his wrinkled old face.

"Let's ask the fourth brother this time."

said an elder.

"Let's test this girl's cooking skills this time!"

The fourth oldest old man thought about it, and then made a request.

"The six of us have different tastes in the food we like to eat. The three of us like spicy food, and the three of them don't like spicy food. If you cook a dish that satisfies us all, then you will pass the test."

"Where is the kitchen?"

Upon hearing his request, Yun Jinli asked directly.

"Over there. You can only go by yourself, Xiao Yi'er can't help."

The fifth child spoke, pointing Yun Jinli in a direction.

"Fine. I can do it myself."

Yun Jinli walked towards the kitchen, and showed a reassuring smile to Bei Chenjue.

"Old Ancestor, you are too difficult to be human, you are making such weird requests."

Bei Chenjue said dissatisfiedly that he felt that this task was too difficult, and that he might not be able to complete it.

"Who asked the boss to ask me to make the request?"

The fourth child said innocently that he just likes to make things difficult for others.

"The fourth question is really difficult, but since he asked it, there is no reason to take it back."

The old man in charge said that he didn't know if the girl could solve this problem.

"I don't care so much, anyway, don't make things difficult for my little Yunduo, otherwise I won't help you bring in the good wine from outside."

Bei Chenjue played a rogue directly, making the ancestors anxious.

"My little Xing Xing, don't refuse to bring us wine, at worst, we'll just put water for her."

When the ancestors heard Bei Chenjue's words, they immediately spoke.

"Hmph, it depends on your performance."

Bei Chenjue said coldly, making them feel so wronged.

(End of this chapter)

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