Chapter 1206 This Child Will Kill Her

"Whose is the child?"

Anger welled up in Shenglian's heart, thinking that her icy and pure body was once occupied by a man.

Her tender lips have been tasted wantonly.

He was so angry that he couldn't calm down his heart.

He held Feng Liuyue's hand tightly, and his emotions were on the verge of completely losing control.

"This is my child, why does Master need to ask so many questions?"

Feng Liuyue frowned, trying to break free from his hand.

Such a master made her feel strange.

He never cared about anything, but now he is so angry.

This is not at all like the Shenglian she knew. His original detachment from the world has disappeared at this moment.

"Master, please come back!"

"Are you trying to drive me away?"

Shenglian bit her lip, the pain in her heart became clearer and clearer, and it overwhelmed him like a mountain, and he felt that even breathing hurt.

"If Master thinks so, then I have nothing to say. In addition, if a man and a woman are inseparable, Master, please let go."

Feng Liuyue's faint voice revealed the indifference of rejecting others thousands of miles away, like sharp knives, tearing bloody wounds on his heart.

Seeing her calm gaze, Shenglian let go of her hand in a daze, and walked outside in a daze.

Now that she has someone else, does it feel like he's an eyesore staying here?
That's why I can't wait to get rid of him!
His nose was sore, and his heart felt empty, as if a heart had been gouged out.

"Why is the lotus god here?"

Feng Qingyun came back with a medicine basket on her back, saw Shenglian coming out of the hall, and thought that her sister didn't let him know that she was pregnant, now that she was discovered, nothing would happen, right?
He hurriedly ran into the hall, and when he saw Feng Liuyue lying on the ground, he screamed in panic.


He picked up Feng Liuyue and placed her on the couch beside her.

Seeing her face pale as snow at this moment, he was instantly anxious.

"It's said that the ghost clan can't intermarry with other races. Old lady, you don't want to find a dead ghost, and you don't know who that man is. You actually let the old lady bear all this alone! Let me know, and you have to beat him to a hemiplegia!"

Feng Qingyun was so angry that Feng Liuyue tried her best to keep this child.

This is not the first time she has been in a coma, because this child needs her strength to support it, and the closer it is to birth, the more strength it needs.

He once advised his elder sister not to keep the child, otherwise her own life would be in danger.

When the child was born, it would be punished by heaven and lightning, even if she tried her best to keep it now, she might not be able to be born alive.

But even if there is only a glimmer of hope, Feng Liuyue insists on letting the child be born.

Shenglian walked out of the hall, originally his heart was full of anger, but when he heard Feng Qingyun's exclamation, he still couldn't help turning around, and then rushed into the hall.

"What happened to her?"

Shenglian saw Feng Liuyue's weak appearance at this moment, like a delicate flower in the wind and rain, which may fall and break at any time.

No matter how painful it is in his heart, she is the person he cares about the most after all.

"It's the child who absorbed her strength, she's too weak."

Feng Qingyun said, seeing Shenglian's nervous look, she knew that he cared about Feng Liuyue very much.

"The child will kill her."

Sheng Lian reached out to touch her hand, using divine power to check her situation, it was too dangerous.

"The child cannot stay."

He felt that this child was fatal to Feng Liuyue, and to save her life, this child had to be removed.

 Little snowflakes remember to give you recommended tickets!

  Last night, Geer rested after writing until two o'clock in the morning. This chapter is today's Chapter 6.


(End of this chapter)

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