The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 1207 You are not allowed to touch my sister

Chapter 1207 You are not allowed to touch my sister

"No. Although the existence of this child will threaten the safety of my sister, it is the child she desperately wants to give birth to."

Feng Qingyun spoke, reaching out to protect Feng Liuyue.

"Besides, the child is so old, it is a life."

"Get out of the way, nothing in this world is more important than the life of Little Crescent Moon!"

With a flick of Shenglian's long sleeves, countless crape myrtle petals flew out from his wide sleeves and pushed Feng Qingyun away.

To him, Feng Liuyue's life was more important than anything else.

"Shenglian! You are not allowed to touch my sister!"

Anger welled up in Feng Qingyun's eyes, he would protect his sister and nephew here.

His eyes turned into pitch black, as dark as a deep abyss.The magic dragon ring worn on his hand made a dragon chant, and a cloud of mist turned into a black dragon, rushing out of the ancient ring.

The temperature in the main hall suddenly dropped, and it was so cold that people shivered.

Feng Qingyun's originally cynical face changed completely, as if he was a different person.

At this moment, he really has the arrogance and terror of a supreme ghost emperor.

The crape myrtle flowers that restrained him were turned into ashes by the breath of the dragon.

"It's just nonsense! You can't control the dragon yet, seal it quickly."

Seeing Feng Qingyun, Shenglian released the magic dragon in the ancient ring, and even his father Feng Lichen couldn't control that magic dragon, let alone his young age.

Feng Qingyun didn't listen to Shenglian's words, he only knew that his sister wanted to give birth to this child.

Now that my sister is unconscious, he will protect her and his little nephew no matter what the price is.

"Forget it, stay with the child, you seal the dragon, and I will save Little Yueya."

Sheng Lian saw his stubborn and stubborn appearance, and if this continues, big trouble will happen.

What's more, Feng Liuyue is very dangerous now, and he doesn't have time to waste it.

Feng Qingyun sealed the dragon after hearing Shenglian's promise.

It was only for such a short moment that all the strength in his body seemed to be drained.

"You go out first."

Shenglian said to him.

"Well, mark your own words."

Feng Qingyun walked out of the inner hall, since Shenglian said to keep the child, then he believed what he said.

Shenglian is the kind of god who disdains to lie, since he said so, Feng Qingyun believes that he will do it.

Although he walked out of the hall, he still quietly came out of the window to see how Shenglian saved Feng Liuyue.

It's just that he saw Shenglian took off her coat and stood there topless.

He couldn't help but widen his eyes, wondering what Shenglian wanted to do?
"Could it be that Shenglian likes her sister, so she took advantage of her?"

Thinking about it, he shook his head again, how could Shenglian do such a thing?

Shenglian's upper body was naked, her fingers turned into a blade, and pierced her heart.

Feng Qingyun's eyes widened, and she covered her mouth to keep herself from screaming.

He thought Shenglian was going to commit suicide, but obviously he had no reason to do so.

The next moment, he watched Shenglian cut open his heart and took out a heart of crape myrtle flower.

This is the source of his divine power for thousands of years, and it is also his heart.

Ziwei's heart merged into Feng Liuyue's body, her snow-white complexion became rosy, and her breathing gradually stabilized.

Sheng Lian staggered a step, stretched out his hand to support the wall, and barely stopped.

The hideous wound on the chest has completely healed.

He put on his coat, and his silvery eyes were full of affection for her.

"If this heart can make you safe, then it's considered to be an unintentional flower, and that's okay."

He held Feng Liuyue's hand, and his figure gradually turned into nothingness.

The petals of the ten-thousand-year-old crape myrtle tree outside the palace fell to the ground, and the giant tree withered in an instant.

"Don't tell her about this."

Shenglian turned her head to look out the window, and said to Feng Qingyun.

(End of this chapter)

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