The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 1208 He's gone and won't come again

Chapter 1208 He left and never came back

"Lian Shen! Sorry, I misunderstood you."

Feng Qingyun saw that Shenglian used his heart to save her because he wanted to protect Feng Liuyue and her child.

"Take care of her for me and tell her that I'm gone and I won't come back."

The figure of Shenglian turned into petals of crape myrtle, disappearing before his eyes like wind and smoke.

Feng Qingyun clenched her trembling hands, her eyes turned red.

With Shenglian's strength, anyone who wants to get his heart will have to pay a huge price.

But he was willing to use his Ziwei heart to make Feng Liuyue safe and sound.

Only now did he realize that Yun Jinli's joke turned out to be true.

Shenglian's affection for Feng Liuyue is very deep, even if it is her own life, she will survive.

Feng Qingyun felt extremely uncomfortable, seeing the holy lotus disappearing into flying flowers, he rushed out of the palace immediately.

The ten-thousand-year-old crape myrtle tree outside the palace withered and disappeared on the cliff overnight.

Looking at the empty cliff, he found it hard to accept for a while.

Feng Liuyue felt a warm current wrapping her body, and her cold body returned to warmth.

When she opened her eyes, she saw Feng Qingyun sitting beside her with red eyes.

"make you worry."

"Sister, just wake up."

Feng Qingyun concealed the sadness in her heart and squeezed out a smile.

"What happened?"

Feng Liuyue knows her younger brother very well, he will not show such an expression for no reason.

Those red eyes, like a little rabbit, looked pitiful.

"Lian Shen, he said...he left and will not come back."

Feng Qingyun's voice was choked with sobs, and he wanted to tell the truth, but he knew that if he said it, then Feng Liuyue would definitely not be able to accept this fact.

Now that she can no longer move her fetus, he can only follow Shenglian's words and hide the truth from her.

"Master is gone."

Feng Liuyue recalled the scene before she fell into a coma, and Master was very angry about her pregnancy.

At that time, she was about to be unable to hold on anymore, so she asked him to leave with cold words.

Maybe he was too disappointed in her.

Knowing that Shenglian had left, her heart tugged a bit, as if a corner was missing.

"Well. He's gone."

Feng Qingyun nodded, she believed what he said, then he didn't need to explain too much.

No matter how much you say and how much you are wrong, it is better not to say anything, so that she can safely give birth to the child.

Otherwise, what happened to Shenglian would be a huge blow to her.

Although Feng Liuyue is very cold, she actually values ​​love and righteousness.

The relationship between their master and apprentice seems to be as light as a stream, but in fact it is as deep as the sea.

Feng Liuyue felt that there was a special power in her body, but she couldn't detect the source of that power, it seemed to be blocked by a mysterious power.

She thought it was the strength of the child, so she suppressed the doubts in her heart.

"Qingyun, did you feed me something?"

"No! It should be that your body recovers quickly, and I have found all the medicinal materials for you."

Feng Qingyun hurriedly handed the medicine basket to Feng Liuyue, and immediately changed the subject, otherwise he was afraid that he would miss the point.


Feng Liuyue sat up and put these herbs on the table.

She saw some golden blood stains on the ground, and she couldn't help feeling suspicious.

"Oh, I accidentally cut my hand just now, I really feel sorry for my blood."

Feng Qingyun saw the blood on the ground, said quickly, covered her hands, and made a distressed movement.

"I'll clean it up now."

Without waiting for Feng Liuyue to take a closer look, he immediately wiped off the blood on the ground.

Whether it is for Shenglian or himself, he will take good care of his sister and little nephew.

 Today's Chapter 8, if you have a monthly pass, you can give it away!
(End of this chapter)

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