Chapter 1209 An Empty Heart
Under Feng Qingyun's cover, Feng Liuyue didn't notice any clues, and calmly prepared for the birth of the child.

The appearance of this child was not what she expected, but she wanted to stay.

The heart of Ziwei blooms in her body, protecting her and the child.

"The child is about to be born, I wonder when Li'er will come back?"

The medicinal materials that Feng Liuyue concocted reminded Yun Jinli that her five spirit flowers hadn't been gathered yet.

She felt that she knew some clues about that Jingshilian, but she just forgot.

Some sporadic memories used to appear over and over again in her dreams, but they were too vague, and she could only remember some pictures.

Snow, blood, flames and darkness intertwine in her dreams.

She doesn't know who she is?

Which one is the real her?
At this moment, she suddenly missed Yun Jinli very much.

Whenever Yun Jinli was by her side, it would make her feel like she had found someone who was lost and found again.

She walked out of the palace, and saw that the crape myrtle tree that had taken root here and accompanied her for countless springs, autumns, winters and summers had completely disappeared.


She stretched out her hand, and no more fallen flowers floated to her palm.

"Why do I feel empty in my heart? Master just went to other places. Why do I feel as if I have lost him forever?"

She felt stuffy and uncomfortable in her heart, and she suddenly remembered that she used to take a nap under the crape myrtle tree, and the purple petals turned into a thin quilt and covered her body.

The sun is slightly drunk, and the time is long and quiet.

She opened her eyes and saw him leaning on a branch, his long hair was hanging down, fluttering gently with the wind, and there was a loving smile on his handsome face.

That was the appearance of Master in her memory.

"Huh? Why is there a small sapling here?"

Her snow-white long skirt was blown by the wind on the edge of the cliff, and she saw an inconspicuous sapling growing beside the stone on the cliff.

This sapling is small and exquisite, only the size of a palm, and looks dying, as if it might die at any time.

For some reason, she felt that the little sapling looked very pleasing to the eye, but she was unwilling to let it die like this.

"It's windy and rainy outside, I'm afraid you can't bear it, I'll take you home!"

She personally dug out the sapling and raised it with the best spiritual soil.

It's just that it is still lifeless, with weak and delicate branches hanging down.

Feng Liuyue watered it carefully with the spiritual spring, even if it didn't come back to life, she didn't abandon it.

"If Li'er is here, there must be a way."

She regretted that although her medical skills were high, she could not save it.

I don't know how long it can last?
It was getting late at this moment, and in the Liuyun Palace of the other shore city, a water and fire glazed lamp lit up the night.

Yun Jinli was playing chess against Beichenjue with the new Star Jade Chess, seeing Yun Jinli's superb chess skills today, so the two started playing chess.

The two met opponents in chess, and this game was played cautiously, no one let the water go.

"The national teacher watches the stars at night, and there is news that there will be no rain tonight, and you can bathe in the stars."

Mo Yu came in and passed a word, originally wanted to wait until the end of their game, but it seems that the two of them will not come to a result until tomorrow.


The chess piece in Yun Jinli's hand fell onto the chessboard.

"This game will be played after we come back, and you are allowed to regret the game."

Seeing that the chess piece in Yun Jinli's hand had accidentally dropped, Bei Chenjue couldn't help but smile.

She was so obvious.

"I'll close my eyes later."

"Okay! Let's go!"

As a queen, Yun Jinli has never seen such a big storm before, so she can be afraid of such a trivial matter?
 Good night little snowflakes!Remember to hit five stars if you like it! ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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