The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 1215 Are You a Good Spiritual Pet?

Chapter 1215 Are You a Good Spiritual Pet?

"Has this mirror been here all along?"

Yun Jinli asked, these people have checked many times, so they should have an impression of this place.

"Yes, this mirror is embedded in the wall, so even though it has been repaired many times, this mirror has always been here."

Mr. Zhou, who was in charge of the case, replied that he was actually quite afraid of this building, but he had to bite the bullet and investigate.

"This mirror is facing the outside, and this position is in the position of the evil tiger, which gathers the evil spirit of this land."

Lou Min hadn't noticed this mirror before, but now that he calculated the location, he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

"The whole city of the other side is a land of great auspiciousness, with dragon energy soaring to the sky. However, Yin and Yang are in balance in the world. Where there is Yang energy, there must be Yin energy. The location of this building happens to be the land of Yin dragons. The Qi is all concentrated in this place."

"What does that have to do with this mirror?"

Mr. Zhou asked curiously, he had been involved in this case for a long time, but he couldn't find out the reason.

"This bronze mirror appeared at this position, absorbing all the energy of the Yin dragon."

Lou Min said solemnly, I'm afraid it's hard to deal with the things inside.

"Mother, there is a person in the mirror!"

Xiao Yunyi suddenly cried out in horror.

Yun Jinli saw a face in the mirror, but that face was not any of them, but a young man with a pale complexion. There seemed to be a pair of hands in the mirror, which were about to stick out from the mirror.


Master Zhou yelled in fright, and immediately wanted to smash the mirror.

"Hold him."

Yun Jinli spoke, and Master Zhou was immediately restrained by Mo Yu.

"Everyone, don't get close to this mirror, and don't be fooled. This is a blood mandrill. If you break the mirror, he can get out of trouble."

Lou Yu said to everyone that this blood mandrill deliberately conjured up a terrifying picture to make people frightened, so as to help him get out of trouble.

If that person can't break the mirror, he will use hallucinations to make people commit suicide in panic, thereby absorbing resentment and blood energy and increasing their strength.

"If you are courageous and not afraid of him, you won't be confused by him."

"Then how do we get rid of this blood drill?"

Master Zhou now knew that the source was hiding in the mirror, so he asked quickly.

"The bloody mandrill is hidden in the mirror. Now we can't break the mirror, we can only go in and destroy him."

Lou Yu opened his mouth and said, after all, he took the lead in finding a way to enter this mirror world to deal with the blood mandrill.

However, after he tried, he found that he couldn't get in.

"In this mirror world, only demons can enter."

Bai Li said to Yun Jinli.

"Xiao Jin, I'm going to kill this harmful monster."

As he spoke, he turned into a stream of white light and flew into the wall mirror.

Everyone only saw bursts of light from the mirror, but they didn't know how the battle was going on inside.

Until Yun Jinli sensed that Bai Li asked her to summon him out, with a thought in her mind, Bai Li appeared in front of her covered in blood.

"Xiaobai! Are you injured?"

Seeing that Bai Li was covered in blood, Yun Jinli couldn't help regretting that he didn't let God Luanqing go in with him.

"It's all that guy's blood, I've already got rid of him."

Bai Li said, he wanted to reassure Yun Jinli that he could protect himself.

Yun Jinli nodded slightly, seeing that Bai Li's strength had recovered a lot, she was indeed relieved a lot.

"Little girl, your spiritual pet is not bad!"

Lou Min said enviously, if he had such a powerful spiritual pet, it would be so easy to slay demons and demons.

Yun Jinli originally wanted to say a few words to him, but suddenly felt the message from the paper butterfly, Hua Wanxi found it!
She left immediately in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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