Chapter 1216 Cold and Merciless Eyes

"Hey, little girl!"

When Lou Min saw that she took the man away without saying a word to him, he couldn't help being a little inexplicably disappointed.

"Master, I wonder if there will be no accidents here in the future?"

Master Zhou asked respectfully, he was afraid that Lou Min would also leave directly like them.

He didn't understand these things, and he was very confused.

"It will be fine for the time being, this mirror can be broken now, otherwise I'm afraid someone will keep some shameless ghosts here."

Lou Min believed that there was no such thing in this place originally, and it was a demon raised here deliberately by someone.

It's just that they don't know who that person is. Now that they have ruined that person's plan, it's already a knot.

He directly took out a hammer and smashed the bronze mirror.

There were spider web-like cracks on the bronze mirror, and in the cracks he saw a pair of cold and ruthless eyes, through the broken mirror, staring at Lou Min, full of resentment.

"Okay, the rest of the matter, you handle it yourself."

Lou Yan felt palpitations, waved his hands, and left the building.

The spirit hunter was originally the public enemy of all kinds of monsters and goblins, but this was the first time he felt palpitations because of a pair of eyes.

"I don't know where that little girl went? She ran so fast!"

Lou Min originally thought that the vast crowd would never see her again, but unexpectedly, they would meet again in the city of the other side.

After he walked out, he saw that Yun Jinli was still there, so he could only shake his head helplessly.

He is home all over the world, wandering around, he doesn't know when he will see this fearless little girl again next time.

Following the induction of the paper butterfly, Yun Jinli rushed towards Hua Wanxi's place.

In a ruined temple, Hua Wanxi was lying on the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

"A lowly maid is a lowly maid, and you actually want to stop me. What do you think you can do with your meager strength?"

Hua Liuyan said with a sullen face, she was full of madness at the moment.

In order to get revenge, she endured the humiliation of being abused by the old man—abandoned her innocent body, and the old man did not end well. There was a heartless Gu in her body, and he died of the unfeeling Gu.

When she heard the news of Prince Beichen's wedding, she rushed to the other shore city immediately.

Hua Wanxi found her trail, followed her quietly, and vainly tried to stop her from doing this.

But she forgot how low her strength was.

"Aren't you just a counterfeit? It's ridiculous! Do you still think that you are the eldest daughter?"

Hua Wanxi has been oppressed by Hua Liuyan for many years, now that she is just a counterfeit, she immediately sneered.


Hua Liuyan rushed up frantically, slapped her hard, and knocked out her teeth.

"I'm the eldest lady of the Hua clan. She's just a little slut. Soon, everything she got will disappear, and she will be ruined and become a murderer targeted by everyone."

Hua Wanxi was so beaten by Hualiuyan that she couldn't speak, her mouth was bleeding continuously.

"Prince Beichen will not marry a murderer as his concubine. She will be hunted down by all clans and become a notorious prisoner. Hahaha——"

Hua Liuyan laughed loudly, no one would suspect her.

"Since you know my secret, go to hell!"

She reached out and pinched Hua Wanxi's neck, making her almost out of breath, with her eyes rolled up.

"Oh, but there is more than one person who knows this secret, so what should I do?"

When Yun Jinli rushed here, she didn't expect to find not only Hua Wanxi, but also Hua Liuyan.

Knowing that Hua Liuyan is still alive, the truth of these murders will naturally be revealed.

"It's you!"

Hua Liuyan turned her head to look at Yun Jinli, and then saw Xiaodiandian and Xiaoyunyi beside her, and suddenly felt very familiar.

 Good night little snowflakes!
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(End of this chapter)

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