The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 124 Hidden Flower City Sunset Inn

Chapter 124 Hidden Flower City Sunset Inn

Although Bei Chenjue is in the distant ancient country of Xinghe, his heart is tied to Yun Jinli.

He wished he could fly back to her immediately, but he had to finish this matter right now.

The yellow sand is flying, and the camel bell is crisp.

The caravan has arrived at the gate of the city, and after a simple inspection, the caravan was released.

At this moment, Yun Jinli was sitting on the back of a camel, entering the first city on the edge of Gale Desert, Tibetan Flower City.

After entering the city, Yun Jinli gave the reward to the merchant, and the group of them left the caravan.

"Let's find a place to rest first."

Yun Jinli knew that Xilingtian's injury was still not healed, and he was exhausted from the journey.

She was still holding Xiao DianDian in her arms. It was inevitable that such a small child could walk, which made people suspicious, so she hugged him.

"There is an inn in front, let's stay here today!"

"Well, I listen to you!"

Xilingtian said obediently, he knew that Yun Jinli was a burden on him along the way, but she didn't abandon him, which moved him very much.

"This silly boy thinks he's abducted, otherwise we'll just sell him!"

Seeing his cute appearance, Bai Li couldn't help teasing.

"Little Bai, don't scare him."

Yun Jinli smiled and shook her head, it seemed that Bai Li liked Xilingtian quite a bit.

In front of Bei Chenjue, Bai Li was always on guard, but in front of Xi Lingtian, he was very relaxed.

"Let's go in."

They walked into this inn, and the words "Sunset Inn" could be vaguely seen on the dilapidated plaque. An old tree took root in the yard, and a few tender green leaves represented that it was still tenaciously alive.

This inn looks very simple, not as good as those in the bustling city, but in such a desolate place, it is very good to have such an inn to rest.

"Shopkeeper, we need two rooms."

Yun Jinli walked to the counter, and her pleasant voice fell, which was very clear here.

The shopkeeper, who was resting on the counter, opened his eyes only when he heard the sound, and stretched out his hand to rub his sleepy eyes.

"Okay, this way please!"

Seeing a guest coming, the shopkeeper of the inn cheered up immediately.

Few people came to this desert border town, and it seemed quite deserted, and a thick layer of dust as thick as a finger had accumulated on the inn table.

Because it is on the edge of the desert, there is still a lot of wind and sand here, and the house cannot be kept clean even if it is cleaned every day.

Yun Jinli lived in the desert for so long, but she didn't feel bitter, and she didn't dislike the environment here.

"Can people live in such a broken place?"

A delicate female voice fell, full of disgust.

Yun Jinli followed the sound, and saw three men and a woman walking into the Sunset Inn, and seeing their clothes, they were either rich or expensive.

In such a remote place, young people like them are rarely seen.

"This desert is a desolate place. It is rare to have such an inn. Although it is a little crude, it can still accommodate people."

A warm voice fell, and a handsome man spoke slowly.

He was as handsome as the wind, and his voice was full of sunshine.

He held a folding fan in his hand, with a smile on his face, as if he would never be angry.

His smile is not the type that hides a knife in his smile, but it makes people feel like a spring breeze and easy to get along with.

"Nalan Qi! You are born with a good temper, and you can laugh at everything. But my lady is delicate and expensive, and I don't know how to live in such a shabby place. This is worse than a pig's nest, dirty and shabby , only untouchables live in such a place.”

The woman said dissatisfied, completely in the attitude of a young lady.

(End of this chapter)

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