Chapter 125 This Woman Is Unreasonable

"How do you talk?"

When Xilingtian heard the woman's words, he immediately said angrily.

"Where did you come from, a little beggar? How dare you talk to Miss Ben in such a tone! I'm Nangong Lianyi!"

Nangong Lianyi glared at Xilingtian, she looked about fifteen or sixteen years old, she should be similar to his age.

"Who do you call a little beggar! You are not cute at all!"

Xiling said in a loud voice, he had never seen such a delicate and unreasonable person.

"And who are you, I have never heard of it."

"Of course the little beggar is you! You look at yourself in the mirror, and I feel sick even talking to you. It's okay for a little beggar like you to never have heard of my name."

When Nangong Lianyi heard that someone dared to say that about her, she immediately jumped up in anger.

"You! You are an unreasonable woman!"

Xilingtian couldn't say no to her, and his face was red with anxiety.

"People who insult others with their mouths like this must have no meaning worth knowing. Xiaotian, let's go, don't let some people dirty our ears."

Yun Jinli stepped forward and didn't argue with Nangong Lianyi, but left directly with Xilingtian.

Although Xilingtian was a few years older than Yun Jinli, he listened to her very much.

After she said that, Xilingtian stopped arguing with Nangong Lianyi and gave her a childish look.

"Hey, don't go! I haven't finished yet!"

Nangong Lianyi was so angry that she wanted to catch up, but was stopped by a tall man with a cold voice.

"Enough! Don't make trouble! If you don't want to live here, just live outside alone, no one is begging you."

The man who opened the mouth had a stern face, a particularly tall figure, and his seriousness made people daunting.

His name is Dongfang Shengbing, and he lives up to his name, as cold as ice.

Nangong Lianyi was very afraid of him, when she heard him speak, she immediately acted like a deflated ball.

"Shengbing, don't scare Lianyi, she is still young and ignorant."

The other man opened his mouth to smooth things over before they got stuck.

"The inns here are all similar. Today we will rest here for a day."

Nalan Qi's gaze fell upstairs, that girl just now was quite powerful, even Nangong Lianyi, who was unruly and self-willed, suffered a lot.

Although Nangong Lianyi is reluctant, but if she is really allowed to sleep outside, how can she endure such hardship?
"You two will live in these two rooms."

The shopkeeper took them to the empty room and opened the door.

"What do you need to tell the little one."

Due to the remote location, there is only one shopkeeper in the inn, not even a waiter.

"Well, you go to work first!"

Knowing that he had to receive other people, Yun Jinli waved him away.

"Xiaotian, you and Diandian just rest inside and don't run around. I'll go out for a while."

Yun Jinli gave Xiaodiandian to Xilingtian to take care of, while she went out to find a suitable place to exchange the elixir for spirit crystal coins. In addition, she also wanted to find out where the teleportation array in the city was.

Walking on the street, she saw a clothing store and walked in.

"Girl, you can try on any clothes you like!"

The proprietress of the clothing store said that there are many beautiful clothes in this store. Although the fabrics are very ordinary, the style and workmanship are very good, and they are very comfortable to touch.

Some things are useful if they are not expensive, and she prefers to choose practical ones.

"I want these two sets of clothes, wrap them up for me!"

Yun Jinli chose two sets of men's clothes and paid for them.

"Is there any big auction house near here?"

After she bought the clothes, she asked.

"Yes! Just keep going straight here, and you can see it at the end."

The proprietress said enthusiastically, because Yun Jinli just bought the clothes she made, so she answered her questions immediately.

"Thank you!"

Yun Jinli put away her clothes and walked in the direction she said.

(End of this chapter)

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