The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 126 Seven World Pavilion Auction House

Chapter 126 Seventh Pavilion Auction House

Yun Jinli walked all the way along the street, and saw a magnificent auction house.

This auction house occupies a large area and can be seen at a glance. No wonder the proprietress didn't say the specific location.

"Seventh Pavilion."

She saw the plaque hanging in front of the door, which was made of inkstone with intricate textures engraved on it.Silver text, ancient vicissitudes, with traces of time.

The largest auction house in Tibetan Flower City, named Seventh Pavilion, is quite famous in the entire Longyuan Continent.

This auction house will hold an auction meeting every once in a while, and it is usually an ordinary business house to buy all kinds of rare treasures.

"I have seen this Seventh Pavilion in those scrolls, but it is a trustworthy firm."

Now she is no longer that ignorant flower slave, she has learned a lot of information about this continent from Bei Chenjue.

Seventh Pavilion is very famous, she naturally knows it.

The Seventh Pavilion is spread all over the major cities in the world. It is very powerful and has profound strength.

She bought a bamboo hat and put it on, then walked into the Seventh Pavilion, and immediately someone came up to greet her.

"Welcome to the Seventh Pavilion. I wonder what the girl needs?"

A maid came forward and said respectfully.

"I want to sell some elixir plants."

Yun Jinli said in a low voice, making her voice sound a little deeper.

"Girl, please follow me."

The maid learned of her purpose and took her to the elixir area.

"We have a dedicated pharmacist here who is responsible for appraising the value of the elixir. Don't worry, girl, the price given by the Seventh Pavilion is absolutely fair."

Yun Jinli heard her introduce the situation of the Seventh Pavilion, and seeing the furnishings and details along the way, she knew that the Seventh Pavilion was indeed not weak.

Even in a remote desert border town, the Seventh Pavilion was built magnificently, with clear divisions, and the maids and guards invited were well-trained.

Soon, they arrived at the elixir area, and they could smell the aroma of herbs wafting from here from a long distance.

"The girl is here, please come inside!"

The maid took her to the elixir identification area, then retreated, and was received by special personnel.

"Please place the elixir that the girl wants to sell on the table."

An old pharmacist said that he was very old and a very experienced pharmacist.

I can't say that his ability to refine medicine is very powerful, but he has a vision.

Because the desert border town is located in a remote place, there are not many people to receive, and he is the only pharmacist here.

Yun Jinli took out a spiritual herb, and immediately the whole room was filled with a delicate fragrance.

Just smelling the scent of this spirit grass will make people feel refreshed.

"Is this the meditation grass!"

The old spirit pharmacist said excitedly, he was staring at a faint blue spirit grass.

Judging by the appearance of this Meditation Grass, it took at least several decades to grow to such a large size.

This calming grass has the effect of calming the mind and calming the mind. It is very suitable for use during cultivation. It can prevent the cultivation from becoming obsessed and let people enter the cultivation state faster.

The older the spirit grass, the better the effect. This calming grass should be about 30 years old.

"That's right, this one is the Meditation Herb. I have several other Spirit Herbs here!"

Yun Jinli took out several spiritual grasses and placed them on the table one by one. Colorful lights radiated from the grass leaves.

Seeing that these spirit herbs were rarer than the tranquility herbs, the old elixir became more and more excited.

He knew all these spiritual herbs, but they only needed to grow in places with extremely rich spiritual energy, so they were very rare.

That's why they are so precious.

"I don't know these elixirs, what price are you going to pay for them?"

(End of this chapter)

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