The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 127 Seven-Star Teleportation Formation Rune

Chapter 127 Seven Star Teleportation Formation Rune
"Frost flower, Echinacea star grass, white jade ginseng, dragon's tongue stamen, these are all precious medicinal herbs, the old man estimates the value, it is about one hundred amethyst coins."

The old spirit pharmacist said that the common currencies on this continent are crystal coins that contain aura, among them, from low to high, they are pink crystal coins, green crystal coins, blue crystal coins, amethyst coins, and white crystal coins.

Yun Jinli knew the value of these crystal coins, the pink crystal coin was equivalent to ten yuan, the green crystal coin was 100 yuan, the blue crystal coin was 1000 yuan, and the amethyst coin was 1 yuan. The white crystal coin is equivalent to a value of [-] million.

The price offered by the old medicine spirit master was 100 million.

"If the Seventh Pavilion is not sincere, then I can only find another buyer."

It was not so easy for Yun Jinli to be deceived, she naturally knew how valuable these spiritual herbs were.

"Girl, don't be angry. If you can tell me where these elixirs are picked, the price can be doubled."

The old elixir said with a smile, and proposed a condition.

"I was asked by someone else to sell this elixir. As for where it was picked, I don't know."

Yun Jinli was naturally not that stupid, and would not tell where the herbs were picked.

That place is not only a treasured place for cultivation, but for her, it is also her first home here.

"Since the Seventh Pavilion doesn't need these elixirs, then forget it."

She made a gesture to take back these things, but the old elixir quickly stopped her.

"Girl, we are smart people who don't speak in secret, just tell us what price you want before you are willing to sell it. If it is within the acceptable range of Seventh Pavilion, the old man can decide to buy it."

The old elixir master found out that this was a powerful little girl, and there was no way to know the source of the elixir from her, so he dismissed the idea.

"I heard that the Seventh Pavilion has teleportation arrays all over the major cities. I don't know if it's true?"

Yun Jinli asked, she had seen the records about the Seventh Pavilion from the scroll.

I heard that wherever there is a Seventh Pavilion, a teleportation array will be built, which can be used to teleport between the Seventh Pavilions in major cities.

However, ordinary people are not qualified to use this teleportation array, only important people inside the Seventh Pavilion can use the teleportation array.

"Indeed there are."

The old spirit pharmacist had stayed in the Seventh Pavilion for a long time, so he answered with certainty.

"I don't want crystal coins, I just need to be able to use the teleportation array to go where I want to go, what do you think of this deal?"

Yun Jinli could see that the old spirit pharmacist was very interested in these plants, and his eyes were full of eagerness.

If he had such a elixir, he would be able to refine a higher-grade elixir, and would be qualified to become a more core member of the Seventh Pavilion.


The old spirit pharmacist hesitated for a moment, then made up his mind.

"Okay! The old man will make a deal with you. I have a seven-star teleportation array rune here. With this rune, you can use the teleportation array of the Seventh Pavilion seven times. The old man is old and has nowhere to go , I will use the teleportation talisman to exchange these elixir with you."

After careful calculation of this deal, he still has to suffer.

Every time the teleportation array is used, it costs fifty amethyst coins, which is equivalent to 50.

It's just that if this thing is not used, it is wasted.

In comparison, it would be more beneficial for him to exchange the elixir with her.

"How do I know if it has seven chances to use it?"

Seeing him take out a teleportation talisman, Yun Jinli didn't know how to count the number.

"Look, there are seven stars on this rune. Every time you use it, the stars will disappear. How could the old man lie to you?"

The old spirit pharmacist was afraid that she would not believe her, so he became a little anxious.

Yun Jinli has the ability to read minds, so knowing that he was not lying, she agreed to exchange.

(End of this chapter)

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