Chapter 131 Just Passing Here
The most powerful thing about Yun Jinli is not her spiritual power, but her soul.

She could clearly feel the movements in the entire room, and she had already noticed the approach of the little red snake when she was taking a bath.

"Come on, let me see if you've been bitten."

After she put away the little red snake, she immediately checked it with her little palm.

"Miss, I'm fine! This little snake can't hurt me."

Xiaodian spread out her palm obediently so that Yun Jinli could check the situation.

"Don't do such a dangerous thing next time, do you understand?"

Yun Jinli said, the warm gaze made Xiao DianDian's eyes glow with crystal.

He is not an ordinary child, but in her eyes, he is still a child.

Instead of treating him as a monster, she cared so much about protecting him, which moved him very much.

"Since you choose to follow me, I also agree to keep you by my side, and I will protect you! As long as you grow up safely, Miss Sister will be very happy."

Yun Jinli reached out and rubbed his little head. He has soft hair, like a newborn cub, so people dare not touch it with too much force.

He looks like a fragile porcelain doll, small and cute, but very fragile and needs to be carefully cared for.

"Miss sister, Diandian will protect you too!"

Xiao DianDian held her hand, her voice was soft and tender, full of firmness, with a maturity that didn't fit a child.

"Xiao Jin, and me! I will protect you too!"

Bai Li also opened his mouth and said that he had never thought that he would have someone he wanted to protect, but now that he met Yun Jinli, he no longer felt carefree.

In her eyes, he was just a little fox, but she never disliked him, nor abandoned him.

Even knowing that he has a powerful enemy chasing after him, she was not afraid of it, and resolutely brought him by her side.

Yun Jinli looked at them softly, and with them by her side, this strange world gave birth to an unspeakable warmth.

In the past, she had no friends, was a ruthless secret agent, and a high-ranking queen.The only person she is closest to is her father.

Now that she was reborn, she felt that she was living a more real life than before.

"Huh? That's weird. Why hasn't there been any movement after so long?"

Nangong Lianyi wanted to take a sneak peek at what was going on inside, but she felt someone pat her on the shoulder, making her jump up in fright.

"Who is it? I'm sick!"

She turned her head and stared at Dongfang Sheng angrily, and when she saw Dongfang Sheng's cold face, her expression froze immediately.

"If I find out that you are causing trouble, don't blame me for sending you back to the Nangong Clan immediately."

Dongfang Shengbing said expressionlessly, Nangong Lianyi felt pressured by her tall body.

"I'm just passing by here, I'm going back right away, why are you so fierce?"

Nangong Lianyi immediately ran away with oil on the soles of her feet, not daring to stay for a while.

She was not afraid of Nalan Qi, but she was extremely afraid of Dongfang Shengbing, so she went back to the room regardless of whether she could see the final result.

In the dead of night, Bai Li quietly came to Nangong Lianyi's room, and then left quickly.

That night, a terrified scream broke out in the tranquility of the night in the sunset inn.

When Nangong Lianyi was half asleep and half awake, she felt something on her body. When she reached out to touch it, she found it was a snake, and she screamed in fright.

(End of this chapter)

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