The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 132 I will deal with you tomorrow

Chapter 132 I will deal with you tomorrow


Dongfang Shengbing rushed over and didn't go in directly, but asked about the situation outside with a candle in his hand.

"What happened?"

"No! It's okay, I was just scared by the snake."

Nangong Lianyi came out in shock, her little face was completely pale with fright.

"You, a beast master, are still afraid of your own spirit beast! It's ridiculous!"

Dongfang Shengbing said angrily, he knew that Nangong Lianyi had raised a little snake himself, and the screaming in the middle of the night was actually because he was scared by his own snake.

He thought there was an assassin, and when he rushed over, he felt he was being fooled.

"Nangong Lianyi, you did it on purpose!"

He saw the little red snake on the floor of the house, it was the one raised by Nangong Lianyi.

"I didn't! I was scared when it suddenly appeared on my bed."

Nangong Lianyi had a grievance on her face. She had clearly put the snake in Yun Jinli's room, so why did it appear on her bed?

"It must have been done by that stinky girl! It must have been her!"

She thought that Yun Jinli was responsible for all of this, and angrily wanted to go over to settle accounts with her.

"Enough! If you don't sleep in the middle of the night, others will sleep. The snake you raise yourself has nothing to do with other people? If you continue to make trouble for no reason, get out now."

Dongfang Shengbing is not a person who cherishes fragrance and jade, regardless of Nangong Lianyi's pitiful appearance, he scolded in a cold voice.

Nalan Qi also heard the sound, seeing this scene, he did not speak for Nangong Lianyi.

He guessed that Nangong Lianyi must have stolen chickens to make money, so he suffered on his own and could not blame others.

Dongfang Shengbing and Nalan Qi looked at each other, feeling that things were not that simple.

"Oh, brother Dongfang, how can you be so cruel to Lianyi? She is a daughter, she needs to be taken care of, don't scare her."

It was another man who was walking with them who was talking. He usually doesn't talk much, but when they have conflicts, he will open his mouth to smooth things over.

His name is Su Yehui, and he looks gentle.The deep and magnetic voice is always slow and unhurried.

"Brother Su!"

When Nangong Lianyi saw someone speaking for her, she immediately showed an even more aggrieved look.

"I'm going back to my room to rest. I have to leave tomorrow. I need to recharge my spirits."

Nalan Qi has a good temper, but he couldn't understand Nangong Lianyi's willful behavior, so he ignored her and went back to his room.

They walked together along the way, he knew Nangong Lianyi's character, self-centered, pampered young lady's temper, he really had enough.

"She is spoiled by you all! We have to go to the imperial capital tomorrow to give gifts, so you'd better be quiet."

Dongfang Shengbing warned Nangong Lianyi one last time, and then went back to the room to rest.

"Brother Su, look at them, they are going too far. They don't even make decisions for me. It's obviously that stinky girl who caused the trouble. They don't know that stinky girl, but they still help her."

Nangong Lianyi said resolutely, although she has raised a snake, anyone who touches a snake on her body in the middle of the night will be frightened, okay?

She didn't know what it was that was pitch black, and she was really terrified.

"Lianyi, you should rest early!"

Su Yehui shook his head and said helplessly.

He just didn't want them to have an argument, but it really wasn't anyone else's business.

He originally thought that Nangong Lianyi was just childish and willful, and her heart was not bad, but now it seems that she is not so innocent and cute.

"See you tomorrow."

He closed the door, leaving the distraught Nangong Lianyi looking at the little red snake on the ground, hurt internally with anger.

"Smelly girl, just wait for me! I'll clean you up tomorrow!"

(End of this chapter)

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