Chapter 134 She wants to rise from here

The wave-like sea of ​​people seemed to have become extremely peaceful at this moment.

Yun Jinli took a deep breath of air, and the fragrance of Yunshuanghua wafted to her nostrils, making her feel as if she was in a snow-white dream.

A gust of breeze shook off the petals, and the falling rain of flowers fell on her hair, shoulders, clothes, and finally slid to the ground.

Xilingtian hugged Xiaodiandian, who was looking around curiously.

Shui Lingling's big eyes seem to be able to accommodate the whole world.

Little Diandian is very easy to take care of. She doesn't eat every day and just absorbs spiritual energy by Yun Jinli's side.

"Xiaotian, this is Yunchuan, the imperial capital of Xuanshuang Kingdom. Let's find a place to settle down first, and then find a way to contact someone you can trust in your clan."

"I will follow Jin's arrangement, as long as you don't dislike my trouble."

A shy smile appeared on Xilingtian's face. He liked to follow Yun Jinli very much. Although she was younger, she gave him a special sense of security.

Even the elders in the clan couldn't give him this sense of security, but this little sister made him feel particularly at ease and reliable.

"If our Xiaojin disliked you, he would have left you long ago."

Bai Li jumped on his shoulder, leaned close to his ear and said.

Xilingtian just responded with a smile, he felt warm with them by his side.

In the past, he had no friends around him, but now he has made a few friends, which he never dared to think of before.

"Then where do we live?"

He looked at Yun Jinli, everything was according to her arrangement.

"I plan to live here for a while. The inn is not convenient. Let's see if I can rent a house."

Yun Jinli plans to settle down in Yunchuan City first, this is the place where Hua Nu was born, and she will rise from here.


Xilingtian nodded and responded obediently.

Yunchuan City has a large area. Apart from the resplendent imperial palace, the houses belonging to the Yu family and the Hua family are the most magnificent.

Yun Jinli didn't choose a noisy and prosperous location. With her current financial resources, she couldn't afford to rent a house there, so she didn't waste time looking for it.

She took Xilingtian to an area far away from those rich and powerful families, bypassing a few streets, the place is no longer so crowded and noisy.

To her surprise, there were almost no vacant houses here, most of them were fully booked.

She learned through mind reading skills that because of the recent marriage between the Yu family and the Hua family, many small families also wanted to use this to gain a little relationship with the two big families, so they all prepared congratulatory gifts and wanted to show their faces.

The inn was already full, so they rented a house around it to live in.

"It seems that it is also difficult for us to find a place to live."

She asked several landlords who still had vacant houses, and all of them took this opportunity to make a fortune, and the lion opened his mouth.

"What? You need a blue crystal coin for one night stay, why don't you grab it?"

A little fat man stood at the door of a house and said angrily.

Yun Jinli recognized him as the little fat man who once left his name on the Qiankun Stone in Ziyue Valley, and his name seemed to be Ye Zhu.

The landlord asked for one blue crystal coin for one night, which was equivalent to 1000 yuan for a night's stay. No wonder Ye Zhu was so angry that he jumped.

"Hmph, a poor boy with no money still wants to live in our house! If you want something cheaper, you can go live in that haunted house in the south of the city!"

The aunt said with her nose up, and closed the door all at once.

"Haunted House."

Yun Jinli learned about such a place from the aunt's inner thoughts. There is a big mansion in the south of the city, surrounded by ghosts and ghosts all the year round.

No one dared to get close to that mansion, for fear of getting some ominous things.

(End of this chapter)

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