The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 135 The Haunted House in the Imperial City

Chapter 135 The Haunted House in the Imperial City

"What kind of haunted house? I don't dare to live in it, sir? Damn it, I don't believe I can't find a place to live."

Ye Zhu said angrily that he didn't come with the family members this time.

Since he left his name on the Qiankun Stele last time, the family has been very careful to protect him as a seedling, for fear that he will not grow up yet and be taken advantage of by others.

Although his talent is not as monstrous as that of Prince Beichen, but being able to leave his name on the Qiankun Stone shows that he is the best of the younger generation.

Since ancient times, how many peerless evildoers have existed?

However, Ye Zhu is lively and active by nature, and he feels very disturbed by being followed wherever he goes.

This time when he came to give the gift, he found an opportunity to sneak away from the family team on the way.

If it wasn't for him not wanting to be stared at by those people, he wouldn't need to find a place to live if he was a dignified young master of the Ye family.

"Let's go see what the haunted house looks like."

Yun Jinli couldn't find a place to live, but she wasn't afraid of any haunted houses, she had even been to the Bone Cave, what battle could scare her?
No matter how scary this haunted house is, it can't compare to the boundless sea of ​​bones!

"Jin, what haunted house?"

Xilingtian felt a little flustered when he heard what she said.

"Go and see."

Yun Jinli knew where the haunted house was, so he quickly found the mansion.

It was obviously the moment when the sun was shining brightly, but the surroundings of this mansion were filled with gloom, as if the sun could not penetrate inside.

The surrounding houses are also very deserted. It seems that because of the influence of this haunted house, no one dares to live here.

This mansion is very large, and it seems that the former owner should be a wealthy family.

It's just that I don't know what made this house so weird.

"There is an evil-repelling talisman posted at the door, there must be a big problem with this house!"

Bai Li lay on Yun Jinli's shoulder, and said in a solemn tone.

He carefully observed this house, which was originally a treasured place of geomantic omen, but the current layout is really dangerous.

The anti-evil talisman posted on the door is obviously very particular. It can be seen that it was drawn by an expert himself. Both the material and the materials depicted on it are very precious.

It seems that the masters of other families made a move, but they didn't achieve the desired results, they just suppressed the house.

"The evil spirit here is very strong, and something may be suppressed under this house. It looks like it hasn't been lived here for a long time, and there is no popularity at all."

Yun Jinli used her spiritual sense to perceive the situation in the house, and felt that the situation here was not very good.

She couldn't feel a trace of life, it was as dead as a grave.

"The location of this house is very good. Normally, it is impossible for the major families to abandon this place. However, they are only suppressing this place with an evil-suppressing talisman, which shows that their strength is not enough to completely eliminate the hidden dangers here."

She knew that there was such a haunted house in the imperial city, which meant that even the power of the whole city could not solve this problem, otherwise how could it be possible to leave a haunted house with no one in it?
This will obviously make people feel that the big clan here is incapable, and it is even a humiliation to the royal family.

"Well, let's not go in, shall we?"

Xilingtian said worriedly, afraid that there might be some danger inside.

"Miss, let's go in and have a look!"

At this time, Xiao DianDian was very excited, and there seemed to be something that attracted him.

"Okay! That's exactly what I mean!"

Yun Jinli nodded and said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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