The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 147 The Reason of Unconsciousness

Chapter 147 The Reason of Unconsciousness


Xilingtian immediately jumped out of the Nirvana Pool and held her in his arms to check on her condition.

Seeing Yun Jinli's accident, Bai Li and Xiaodian came to her side anxiously.

"Xiao Jin's health has always been very good, why did he suddenly become unconscious?"

Bai Li had been by Yun Jinli's side for a while, and as her strength became stronger, her physique became better and better.

She didn't feel any discomfort in the flame world behind the Suzaku Gate before, but this coma came too suddenly.

"Jin, wake up!"

Xilingtian couldn't wake Yun Jinli up, because something was wrong with her.

As if she couldn't hear their voices, her body became extremely cold.

He reached out and touched her, as if touching ice.

"Good ice!"

He didn't know why Yun Jinli's body temperature was so low, it wasn't a normal person's body temperature at all.

"Miss, don't be a little scared, we won't play games anymore, open your eyes!"

Xiao DianDian said worriedly, for fear that she would never wake up again.

"Could it be that this room is too dark? Let's take Xiaojin out!"

Bai Li knew that this haunted house was very unusual, and wondered if it was a problem with the haunted house, so Yun Jinli

"What's wrong girl?"

Ye Zhu came in immediately when he heard the movement inside, and frowned slightly when he saw Yun Jinli lying in Xilingtian's arms.He glanced at Xilingtian.

He knew that Xilingtian was rescued by Yun Jinli risking his life, so he guessed that their relationship should not be simple.

"I don't know, she just passed out suddenly without any signs, but at this moment her body is extremely cold, I don't know if she was affected by the evil spirit here."

Xilingtian shook his head, this happened so suddenly that he didn't react at all.

"This room is really weird, let's go out first."

Ye Zhu nodded and agreed with his guess.

This haunted house is too cold, and she is a woman, so she might not be able to bear the yin energy here.

They took Yun Jinli out of the room, and the ethereal singing sounded in their ears again.

"No, that thing came again."

When Ye Zhu heard the singing, he guessed that there was another dangerous thing in the house, and that thing was not in the house just now, but in another part of the house.

They originally thought that thing was something hidden in the Suzaku Gate, but now thinking about it, he still breaks out in a cold sweat.

If Yun Jinli hadn't saved him, what would have happened to him.


Xilingtian snorted coldly, the voice was like thunder rolling past, full of the majesty of heaven and earth.

The black mist that had spread over suddenly stagnated and then receded.

Ye Zhu looked at Xilingtian suspiciously, the cold snort just now made his whole soul tremble.

"His strength should be very strong. Why is the girl so anxious to save him?"

He didn't know that Xilingtian was still an ordinary person before that, but earth-shaking changes had taken place overnight.

Xilingtian left the house with Yun Jinli in his arms, and Xiaodiandian and Baili quickly followed.

Ye Zhu couldn't help being a little dumbfounded seeing Xiaodiandian jumping over the fence and going out easily.

"This little baby is amazing!"

While Ye Zhu was talking, he also jumped out over the wall.

Xilingtian brought Yun Jinli under the tree next to the house, and the sunlight leaked through the gaps in the leaves and scattered on her cheeks.

He vaguely saw a transparent mask covering her face, and this scene looked familiar.

"Is there some hidden danger buried in the desert city?"

(End of this chapter)

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