The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 148 The Curse of the Devil's Mask

Chapter 148 The Curse of the Devil's Mask

"Devil mask!"

Bai Li had seen the terrible green sap of the desert city before, like a gangrene, which could not be removed.

In his opinion, it is a devil's mask, which can take away a person's soul and turn him into a puppet like a walking dead.

"Ah! It's terrible!"

Xiao DianDian backed away abruptly, with a look of fear in his eyes, and he instinctively resisted the mysterious mask.

He knew that it was a very dangerous thing. He thought he would get rid of the curse of the devil mask forever, but he didn't expect it to appear again.

"Why do you all look like hell?"

Ye Zhu saw their serious faces, and even the little milk boy had a stern face, which made him feel an inexplicable pressure.

"It seems that that thing has been lurking on Jin's body for a while, but unfortunately we haven't found it yet."

Xilingtian thought that when they left, Yun Jinli reached out and touched the golden mask, maybe it was at that time that the green juice fell on her body.

"What are you talking about? Maybe I have a way?"

Ye Zhu was confused, he didn't know Yun Jinli's situation, and it was difficult for him to draw conclusions.

"We once strayed into an ancient desert city, where there are masked people, there is a kind of green juice, as if alive..."

Xilingtian briefly introduced the green juice to Ye Zhu, and now he would not give up any hope.

He inherited the memory of his ancestors, but unfortunately there is no information about the mysterious green juice.

That ancient desert city may have appeared later, so he didn't have any impression.

Ye Zhu listened carefully to his narration, and when he talked about the tree demon, his eyes suddenly widened.

"The ten-thousand-year tree demon rooted in the desert sea, apart from the spirit-eating tree, I am afraid there is no other possibility."

He said that as a member of the Ye family, he had to study various plants, so he knew all kinds of exotic flowers and plants in the world.

The Ye family has a sacred book that records all the plants in the world, and only the core members of the Ye family are eligible to read and study.

Ye Zhu has been gifted since he was a child, and was listed as a key training object, so he has read that divine book.

The record about the Spirit Devouring Tree is in that divine tome.

"What is the spirit-eating tree? Does it have anything to do with the green juice? How can Xiao Jin wake up?"

Xilingtian asked, looking at Ye Zhu's appearance, he should know the origin of the green juice.

Bai Li looked at Ye Zhu, except for the Ye clan, probably no one knew the origin of the tree demon.

The Leaf family has the power to control all plants, and they also study each plant.

Different plants have different control powers.Only by understanding them can we control them and not be backlashed.

"The green sap you mentioned should be the sap of the Spirit Devouring Tree. It can indeed connect people to its life. As long as it doesn't die, they won't die either."

Ye Zhu paused, and continued to talk about the spirit-eating tree.

"The sap of the spirit-eating tree lives in symbiosis with people, and at the same time absorbs the vitality of the other party and provides it to the dryad. This can indeed give you longevity, but it is a pity that the dryad will devour their souls, and in the end those people will become soulless. The spirit-eating tree obtains a long and invincible life by devouring souls."

The only dryad that can survive in the desert is the spirit-eating tree.

"Girl, this should be attached to the sap of the spirit-eating tree. Once they are infected with human skin, there is no way to remove them. Unless..."

He raised his eyes and glanced at Xilingtian, but did not continue.

"Unless what?"

Xilingtian frowned and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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