Chapter 1471 Some special messengers

Nangong Muchen hated the demon clan, his own family, and the Wan Gu sect that made him framed.

The only thing he didn't know was that the reason why he ended up like this was thanks to Yun Jinli.

He wanted to kill Yun Jinli many times, and even more despicably murdered her family. Now that there are such consequences, it is also karma.

If he hadn't had any evil thoughts, Yun Jinli would not have shaded him.

She has never liked to hurt innocent people, but just because she has good intentions, it doesn't mean that she is easy to bully, let alone that she has no temper.

Nangong Muchen was sent for treatment, but along the way, his eyes were cold and gloomy, making everyone in the Nangong clan feel cold all over.

At the same time, under the cover of the night, Yun Jinli's plan unfolded in an orderly manner.

Except for Su Yehui, who was devoting himself to configuring Tianyi dyes, and Feng Liuyue, who had to take care of Xiao Wuyou, everyone else participated in the operation.

For Xiao Wuyou's safety, Yun Jinli insisted not to let Feng Liuyue approach, lest the Devil Emperor find out that Xiao Wuyou was still alive.

Although she didn't know why the devil emperor wanted to kill Xiao Wuyou, she believed that if the devil emperor knew that he was alive, he would hunt and kill him even in the ends of the earth.

With the help of Yinkong, who is most familiar with the secret passages of the palace, they put away all the things to be put into the magic palace smoothly, and then quietly evacuated.

"Now we're waiting for the results of the development of the padded jacket."

Bei Chenjue said, but he didn't know whether the things Yun Jinli asked them to put had any effect.

"I'm a thousand rest assured about the ability of the little padded jacket. When we leave, there will be a good show to watch."

Yun Jinli and the others had already returned to their residence, and they hid those things secretly so that no one would find them.

"You want to use the teleportation array to go to the world, right? The teleportation array that I escaped before has been destroyed."

Yinkong knew the situation there through his eyeliner.

"Hmm. Just wondering how often it's on?"

Yun Jinli wanted to know this, if no one went to the human world, wouldn't they be staying here for a long time?

"Let me help you pay attention to whether anyone is going to the world recently, has a pass order, or is a special messenger."

Yin Kong knew that this was the only way to go to the world now.

"Don't special messengers need a pass token?"

Yun Jinli asked.

"Well, whether it's going to the human world to perform missions, or some special envoys, such as the Nangong and Xia clans, they don't need a pass token. They have a special token given by the devil emperor."

Yin Kong explained, and Yun Jinli understood immediately.

"There happened to be a group of people from the Nangong clan coming in. If they didn't die, they should leave the demon world as soon as possible. They are mortals and cannot stay in the demon world for too long."

Feng Qingyun thought that they came in with the Nangong clan, so they should still go out.

"Okay, I'm going to be watched."

Yinkong immediately sent his own people to collect information, no matter how poor he is, he is still the prince of the demon clan.

Many old subordinates who used to be loyal to his father are still loyal.

He also has a group of secretly cultivated men and horses, and he can use their power.

"Where will you live with your mother in the future? You won't stay in the hotel all the time, will you? Do you have any plans to get out?"

Yun Jinli thought that he was a thorn in Yintu's side, so it would be very dangerous for him to choose to stay in the Demon Race.

"The dead are the safest."

Yinkong thought of a way to get out, that is to fake death.

Since Yintu arranged for the killer to be by his side, it seemed logical for him to feign death.

As long as Yintu thinks that he is dead, then he will use his own strength to arrange him and his mother to a dark place.

 One more chapter!
(End of this chapter)

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