Chapter 1472 The Cloak of Invisibility

"This method is indeed feasible."

Yun Jinli nodded, if Yin Kong arranged it properly, then they would be safer in the Demon Race than fleeing.

The Devil Emperor is very powerful, and his minions are all over the world. Back then, Bai Li was hunted down and had nowhere to escape.

If he hadn't met her, maybe Bai Li would be dead by now.

Thinking of Bai Li, she felt a little worried, wondering if his return to the demon world would be smooth?

With God Luanqing by his side taking care of him, he should be safe, right?
She suddenly thought of how to arrange her spirit beasts. If they were sent to Bai Li, it would be Bai Li's help, and at the same time, they could be restored to freedom.

The demon world is the most suitable place for spirit beasts to live. There is a special environment there that allows them to grow up.

Bai Li would not enslave them either, they would live well under his protection.

"Everyone has been busy all night, you have worked hard, everyone, go back to your respective residences and rest!"

Yun Jinli said to everyone that everyone is desperately trying to adjust to the peak state, so as not to be caught off guard.

In the Demon Realm, they didn't even have a peaceful night's sleep.

Fortunately, early the next morning, Su Yehui sent the good news that Tianyi Dye was successfully developed.

After hearing the good news, Feng Liuyue and Feng Qingyun also rushed over, and they all gathered at Su Yehui's residence.

"Little padded jacket, I really belong to you."

Yun Jinli knew that this dye had a high failure rate, but Su Yehui still successfully developed it.

"It took him a whole day and a night of sleepless nights to finally make this little bit of dye."

When Nalan Qi mentioned Su Yehui's hard work, he was really afraid that he would die of exhaustion.

"Haha, as long as you succeed, nothing else matters."

Su Yehui took out a big cloak and showed it to everyone.

"I soaked the cloak with the dye of heaven clothes, you can try to see how it works. Because the quantity is very small, I can only make this one."

"I'll try."

Feng Qingyun said excitedly, immediately took up the cloak and put it on her body, and the whole person disappeared in front of everyone's eyes in an instant.

As long as there is no fluctuation of spiritual power, no one will discover his existence.

"The Tianyi cloak made by Tianyi dye is really good, but it's a pity that there is only one, otherwise it would be nice if everyone had one."

He took off his cloak and put it on the table.

"This material is too rare, and we are lucky this time, otherwise I don't know if I will have the opportunity to make this thing in my life."

Su Yehui's voice was full of excitement. Seeing that his work was perfect, he was very happy.

"One person is enough. When the time comes, you will all stay in the Nine Soul Jade, and I will wear a cloak to take you away."

Yun Jinli said, apart from her Nine Soul Jade, probably no one else could take away so many people.

Feng Liuyue has a Jiuyi Zijin Pot that can hold life, but she can't put Yun Jinli in it.

The reason is actually very simple. Only a large space can accommodate a small space. The space inside the Jiuyi Zijin Pot is not as large as the Zhiyue Yingluo and the Nine Soul Jade, so it is impossible to take Yun Jinli into it.

"Let me take everyone away!"

Bei Chenjue was reluctant to let Yun Jinli take risks, so he took the initiative to speak.

"The premise is that you must have a life space larger than the nine soul jades."

Yun Jinli's words left Bei Chenjue speechless. She, a local tyrant, has such a large life space, how can they mess around?

"Li'er wears this cloak, and it won't be dangerous to leave with other people's team. I just don't know when I will have this opportunity."

Feng Liuyue said calmly, she believed in Yun Jinli's ability.

At this moment, Yunjin received the news from Yinkong that the people of the Nangong clan were leaving the Demon Realm.

 Good night little snowflakes!
  If you haven't read Ge'er's finished article "Gold Medal Doctor: Black-bellied Concubine", you can read it.

  Also, Geer's husband Feng Lichen's new book "Poison Doctor Agent: Evil Monarch and Mad Empress" is also very exciting!

(End of this chapter)

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