The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 1475 We are in a hurry to change the world

Chapter 1475 We are in a hurry to return to the world

"what happened to you?"

Lan Jue saw the young lady rolled to the ground, then stopped moving, and asked.

The woman tried to speak, but nothing came out.

At first it was just a numbness in the legs, but later I couldn't move my whole body, and I couldn't even speak because my face was completely numb.

She rolled her eyes and passed out directly.

"Come here, immediately notify her clansmen to come and take it away."

Lan Jue frowned, and checked her breath, but maybe she had some strange disease.

She was so excited just now that she rolled down from above.

There was no sign of poisoning on her body, so the possibility of being plotted was ruled out.

Seeing this, Yinkong knew that Yun Jinli must have done it.

Yun Jinli just gave her anesthesia, so that her whole body was anesthetized, no matter how much they searched, they would not find any clues.

"My lord, we are in a hurry to return to the human world. I wonder if we can activate the big formation now?"

The envoy of the Nangong clan urged them, when they came, they were told by the Patriarch that if they could save the young lord's life, they must do their best to do so.

One of the young master's hands was cut off. If he goes back and treats it in time, he can still retain his strength. He was corroded by the devil's energy in the devil world, and his wounds are getting worse, so they are very anxious.

Nangong Muchen did not speak from the beginning to the end, his face was cold, his face was mixed with gray and gray, as if he was a dead person.

His heart was full of resentment, and his whole body was full of hostility.

He didn't know that the person he hated the most was by his side, otherwise he would definitely go berserk.

"Turn on the teleportation array."

When Lan Jue saw that the young lady was being taken away, he spoke.

As everyone poured their power into the teleportation array, the teleportation array lit up immediately, and all the spirit stones lit up, forming a light curtain, covering the teleportation array.

At this time, the teleportation array has been fully activated, and no one can destroy the teleportation.

At this moment, Yun Jinli quietly pressed a trigger, which was something she usually made by using the art of refining.

In modern times, she learned the skill of making long-range bombs as an agent.

When she was leaving, Yin Tu was making out with Mei Ji in the magic palace, when she suddenly heard the sound of shaking the mountains.


A huge explosion resounded, and the Demon Palace was instantly blown into ruins and collapsed directly.

Because the Demon Palace was built on a volcano, the volcano that soared into the sky was directly detonated.


Explosions sounded one after another, directly blowing up the entire magic palace.

"Not good! The volcano erupted!"

"The demon abyss is cracked."

"Get out."

The people in the palace ran towards the outside one by one, and even the guards guarding the palace gate ran away in fright.

Although this magic palace was built in the crater, it never erupted, and now it was detonated by explosives, which shocked the entire magic city.

"Bastard! Who did it?"

Yin Tu and Mei Ji rushed out of the ruins, looking ashamed and embarrassed.

He put on his clothes and began to curse loudly.

The flames and magma that rushed up from below sprayed thinly towards the sky.

His magic palace turned into ruins in an instant, which made him explode with anger.

Even his treasure house was submerged by magma, and he almost spit out blood.

Seeing that the volcano was about to submerge the city, Yintu could only spend mana to prevent the erupting magma from affecting the city.

If the devil city is also destroyed, what face does he have as a devil emperor?
Of course, being destroyed by someone in the Demon City was already enough for him to become the laughing stock of the Demon World.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing Yintu's distressed appearance, Yinkong was in a better mood than ever.

(End of this chapter)

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