Chapter 1476 No one can leave
Originally, Yin Kong thought that the small things that Yun Jinli asked everyone to place could only cause a little damage, but he didn't expect the effect to be so overbearing.

Seeing that Yin Tu was half dead from exhaustion, he finally calmed down the volcano.

But the magic palace has been destroyed, which is a resounding slap in the face.

Even if Yintu wanted to prevent everyone from knowing about it, but the commotion was so big, there was no one who didn't know about it.

When the explosion resounded, the entire Demon City trembled.

"What exactly did the mirror tell us to bury? It's really amazing."

He didn't know the power of modern explosives, combined with some raw materials in this world, doubled the explosive effect.

It was originally his father's palace, but it was taken over by Jiu, and he would rather be destroyed than let Yintu live in it.

"Investigate! Thoroughly investigate! We must find out which bastard did it!"

Yin Tu's voice was so angry that it was almost trembling.

He was now in disgrace, and Mei Ji beside him was also dressed in rags, looking like two beggars.

"Now that the clues are all destroyed, I'm afraid it's hard to find out who did it."

Mei Ji saw that the magic palace had completely turned into a volcano, and she was also very angry.

She has never suffered such a big loss in so many years. She thinks she is extremely smart, and she always tricks other people around, and she has never been made so miserable.

While making out, the house was bombed and a fire broke out underground. This experience cast a shadow over her.


Yintu yelled in anger, as if this was the only way to vent his anger.

It feels so aggrieved to be punished viciously and yet not know who did it.

He was so full of anger that he didn't know where to vent it.

The most depressing thing in this world is to be beaten severely by someone, and I don't know who did it.

Yintu always valued his own face, but he was looked down upon since he was a child, and his strong sense of inferiority made him determined to stand out and become the devil emperor and supreme ruler whom everyone respected.

It's just that now his residence has been destroyed, and this loud slap hit him in the face, causing him to lose his prestige.

"Block the teleportation array and the city gate, no one can leave."

Mei Ji said that she believed that the mastermind behind the scenes must still be in the city.

The Devil Emperor immediately ordered people to block all exits, which was what Yun Jinli expected, so she pressed the controller when she was sure she could leave.

Fortunately, the distance between the teleportation array and the magic palace is not far, so it can be completely controlled there.

Naturally, they didn't know that when Yun Jinli left the teleportation array, he saw the flames rising from the magic palace.

This is their revenge for You'er. Although they are not the Devil Emperor's opponents now, they still have to teach him a lesson.

"The magic palace was actually destroyed."

"I don't know who did it? It's too courageous."

"I heard that His Majesty the Demon Emperor was furious, and he was looking like crazy to find out who did it."

"This is the first time His Majesty the Devil Emperor has suffered such a big loss!"


The news here spread throughout the entire Demon Realm in an instant. Even though the Demon Emperor forbade them from talking about it, many people still knew about it in private.

Because of the destruction of the Demon Palace, the Demon Race's awe of the Demon Emperor Yintu has also become lower.

How can a devil emperor who can't even keep the devil palace convince the crowd?

A lot of big clans had some movement behind the scenes. Originally, the Devil Emperor suspected that Yin Kong was responsible for this matter, but someone found the bodies of Yin Kong and his mother, so he didn't suspect him.

Yintu focused his attention on the turbulent undercurrents of various ethnic groups, and managed to escape Yinkong's mother and son from his sight.

 Thank you little snowflakes for your rewards!
  Ge'er has seen every baby's rewards and encouragement.

(End of this chapter)

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