The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 1481 This is a life-saving panacea

Chapter 1481 This is a life-saving panacea

"Is there no other way?"

Bei Chenjue asked, and after Emperor Chen's explanation, he understood why the spirits of different sacred trees had to bleed.

If it is alone, it is a life for a life.

It is not easy for the sacred tree to grow, so they are also very difficult to deal with.

To lend a drop of blood is considered embarrassing, if there is too much, it is embarrassing.

No matter how good a relationship is, you can't hurt a friend.

"Since you came forward, I can't let you go away empty-handed."

Emperor Chen knew that Bei Chenjue had very few friends, and those who could make him speak naturally wanted to help.

The process of taking blood was very painful, but he didn't care, and took a drop of crystal silver blood without saying a word, and handed it to Bei Chenjue.

"Hurry up and give it to your friends! Over time, spirituality will dissipate."

Emperor Chen said calmly.

"Hmm, thanks."

Bei Chenjue put away this drop of blood, and could not let Emperor Chen's blood flow in vain.

After Bei Chenjue left, Emperor Chen could not hide his pale face and his weakened spiritual power in an instant.

He didn't tell Bei Chenjue that he had actually saved someone with his own blood, so this was not the first time he took blood.

The first drop of painstaking effort damages a thousand years of cultivation.

The second drop of painstaking effort, lost the vitality.

For their sacred tree, which has lived for ten thousand years, even if the thousand-year cultivation base is damaged, it can be repaired back.

However, the loss of vitality will make the old trees that have not had much time to run out faster.

They have lived for too long, so even if they are strong, they don't know how long they can live.

He didn't tell Bei Chenjue about it because he didn't want to disappoint him.

He knew that if Bei Chenjue knew the truth, he would not speak to him.

He has always loved Bei Chenjue very much, so he sent him away, afraid that he would see how weak he was at the moment.

The child looks cold, but in fact he is very affectionate.

He would rather be scarred than let the people around him suffer a little bit of harm.

Because of Emperor Chen's cover-up, Bei Chenjue didn't notice anything strange about him.

After leaving the palace, he turned his head and saw the Heavenly Star Divine Tree. He felt that the star light seemed to be a bit dimmed, and he didn't know if it was his illusion.

He was worried that Yun Jinli had waited too long, so he sensed her location and rushed in that direction.

After arriving at Jinyue Lianhua, he quickly found them.

"Jue, sit here, I left a meal for you, it's still hot."

Seeing Bei Chenjue appear, Yun Jinli immediately waved to him.

"This is what the Lotus God needs."

Bei Chenjue handed the drop of blood to Feng Liuyue, and then sat beside Yun Jinli.

Feng Liuyue glanced at Bei Chenjue gratefully, the two of them rarely met, and he was helping her for Yun Jinli.

Bei Chenjue is a relatively indifferent person, except for Yun Jinli, he and most of the others are gentlemen's friends.

"Hurry up and save the lotus god!"

Yun Jinli also hoped that Lian Shen could come back to life. This is a life-saving panacea, and I hope it will be effective.

Feng Liuyue took out the sapling, and dripped the drop of blood on the root of the sapling. It emitted a silvery light, and it no longer looked like it might die at any time, and the leaves became much more shiny.

Yun Jinli clearly felt the miraculous effect of the spiritual blood of the sacred tree, and pulled Shenglian back from the gate of hell.

The others also knew that Shenglian had become what she is now, and felt a little uncomfortable in their hearts.

"I don't know where the remaining seven kinds of sacred trees are, but with these three drops of nourishment, Master has survived the most dangerous moment."

Feng Liuyue understood that she was able to get these three drops of blood because of the help of Yun Jinli and Bei Chenjue.

 At 02:30 in the morning, today's fourth update, don't say why Geer hasn't been updated again.After midnight, it is counted as today.

  If you ask how the explosion came about, then Geer must have stayed up until two or three o'clock in the morning.

  Often updated in advance, it will be considered as not updated.

  Are you wronged?

(End of this chapter)

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