The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 1482 I am happy to give him a gift

Chapter 1482 I am happy to give him a gift

"We'll check it out."

Everyone said that they were happy to help.

"I know that the demon world is the place with the most sacred trees, and that place is very suitable for the growth of sacred trees."

Bei Chenjue mentioned this matter, which gave Feng Liuyue a direction.

"These are some elixirs I refined. You keep them by your side for self-defense. Apart from that, I don't know how to thank you."

Feng Liuyue took out the elixirs she had refined, on which were written the effects of each elixir.

Most of them restore spiritual power or detoxify. The star rating of the elixir is above five stars, and it is a very precious high-star elixir in the market.

"The panacea refined by Yueyue, everyone, don't be polite, they are all treasures, and the opportunity is rare."

Yun Jinli knew that Feng Liuyue would not feel at ease if everyone didn't accept it, so they each took some needed pills and put them away.

Seeing everyone accepting the things, Feng Liuyue's expression softened a bit.

"By the way, if we humans are going to the demon world, how do we go?"

Yun Jinli wanted to go to the demon world, and meet Bai Li and the Great God Luan Qing by the way.

"Little Yunduo is going to the demon world?"

When Bei Chenjue heard her question, he knew that she must be planning to go, otherwise he wouldn't have asked specifically.

He didn't know if she wanted to help Feng Liuyue, or if there were other reasons.

"Didn't you accidentally get the spirit beasts collected by the Nangong clan last time? I want to give them to Xiaobai."

Yun Jinli said.

"You don't keep it for yourself, but you actually want to give it away! What a prodigal."

Feng Qingyun said speechlessly, shouldn't all such good things be kept for themselves?
"Xiao Bai is not an outsider, I am happy to give him a gift."

Yun Jinli said confidently.

"Poor people like us don't talk to you anymore. You gave such a big gift, aren't you afraid that your family will be jealous?"

Feng Qingyun glanced at Bei Chenjue, the meaning was obvious, referring to him.

"Our husband understands righteousness."

Yun Jinli said with pride on her face.

"My lady, I'm stingy."

Bei Chenjue opened his mouth to tear down the stage, making everyone laugh.

Nalan Qi realized later that they were husband and wife.

Seeing Yun Jinli's appearance in women's clothing, he realized that they had known each other for a long time.

"But I believe my wife only loves me, so I'm not jealous."

Bei Chenjue said confidently, causing Yun Jinli to smile knowingly.

He believed in Yun Jinli and Bai Li, they had experienced a lot together, if they didn't even have basic trust, there would be no future to speak of.

"Stop showing your affection, and think about how many single dogs we have, okay? The single dogs at this table have suffered a lot of injuries."

Feng Qingyun protested dissatisfied, as cute as a child.

"The entrance to the demon world is easier to find than the demon world. If we mortals want to go to the demon world, we only need to pass through a mountain range that separates the demon world from the human world."

Bei Chenjue said, many strong people go to the demon world to find their spiritual pets, so this passage is well known.

"That mountain range is called the Qiyou Historic Site, and there are often many young children of rich clans going there to practice. The relationship between the monster race and the human race is not particularly bad, and they can basically coexist peacefully."

"Li'er and I went to the demon world together, and when we entered the demon world, we each separated to do our own things."

Feng Liuyue said, the two of them also have a support.

Bei Chenjue originally wanted to go with Yun Jinli, but he received an urgent report from Mo Yu temporarily.

"Jue, if you have something to do, you don't have to accompany me. There is Luanqing in the demon world, and I can protect myself, so you don't need to worry."

Yun Jinli saw that Bei Chenjue had received an urgent report and knew that he had something important to do.

 Three o'clock in the morning, today's fifth update.

(End of this chapter)

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