Chapter 1484 Do you have any wish
As he approached the ancient ruins of Qiyou, Yun Jinli saw many young people, led by the elders of the family, heading towards the mountain range.

Yun Jinli did not rest in the nearby village, but went directly into the forest full of various trees.

There are all kinds of colorful leaves, fallen leaves and various plants on the ground, as well as some small animals and insects, hiding in the forest.

Xiao Yunyi looked at this vast forest, where there were unknown dangers and gorgeous and beautiful scenery.

The bright mushrooms growing on the trees, the subtle light and shadow leaking from the gaps in the leaves, the flying insects flapping their translucent wings, the chirping of birds and the tangy smell of grass and soil all made her feel very fresh.

It has been raining here, and there are still strings of crystal clear water droplets hanging on the branches and leaves.

"Tread! Tread!"

The rainbow unicorn's hooves stepped on the grass blades and fallen leaves, making some soft sounds.

Yun Jinli saw that there was a road on the outskirts of the forest where people often walked.

In fact, this cannot be called a road, but the thorns blocking the road have been cut off, so most people take this road.

The road is also much safer due to the constant movement of people.

"Li'er, is your health better?"

Feng Liuyue knew that Yun Jinli had the flower of death on her body, but she couldn't find the whereabouts of Jingshilian, so she couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

She plans to help her find Jing Shilian while looking for her past and the sacred tree.

"You see I am so healthy, so it is very good."

Yun Jinli understood the worry in her heart, and smiled brightly at her, telling her not to worry about her.

"It's because you don't take good care of yourself, and you've lost a lot of weight during this time. I'll catch you a pheasant in a while, and make soup for it."

"No need, I'm a doctor myself, so I'm fine."

Feng Liuyue felt her concern, and her heart was warm.

"Doctors don't heal themselves. When you are with me, I am your doctor."

Yun Jinli said, seeing Feng Liuyue running around for Shenglian, and running around not long after giving birth, it was hard for her.

Most people are still lying on the bed recovering their bodies at this time, but she is so brave, it makes people feel distressed.

"Okay! Listen to you."

Feng Liuyue is very indifferent to other people, but in front of Yun Jinli, she is extraordinarily gentle.

"That's good."

Yun Jinli nodded in satisfaction, jumped off the rainbow unicorn's back, picked some fresh ingredients, and beat a mountain pheasant.When ready to rest, make her some delicious nourishment.

They moved forward very fast, almost flying all the way through the forest.

They didn't fly in the sky, because there are many ferocious birds and beasts in the sky, most of them live in groups, if they break into their territory, it will attract a group attack.

"Li'er, do you have any wishes?"

Feng Liuyue is sitting on the streamer, which is a magic weapon of hers, which needs her spiritual power to fly.

She wore a long white dress like snow, like a cloud falling from the sky.

Her hair was as long as ink, and she was only tied with a white ribbon, which was extremely cold.

"A wish? Let me think about it."

Yun Jinli returned to the unicorn's back, Feihong stepped on the snow very fast, and the trees around him seemed to be floating in the air.

"I hope that everyone I care about can be well. This is my greatest wish."

She doesn't admire the prosperity of the world, or high positions and powers, but only wants the people around her to be safe and sound.

"Yueyue, you are also someone I care about, so if you want to fulfill my wish for me, you have to make yourself good."

She looked at Feng Liuyue, her eyes were like a breeze among flowers, warming her heart and refreshing her soul with fragrance.

 Today's seventh update!After the early morning, it is considered today.

  During the day, Ge'er was working on a personal painting collection, and gave it a beautiful name, "Snow Dance Luan Song".

  This year it should be printed and used as a souvenir.

(End of this chapter)

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