Chapter 1485 Deep, Deep Wish

Feng Liuyue was slightly taken aback when she heard the words, and then, her light pink lips raised a warm arc slightly.

"it is good."

Her cool and pleasant voice was full of determination, and she would not change her promise.

"Mother, is Yiyi also someone you care about?"

Xiao Yunyi leaned against Yun Jinli's arms, tugged at the corner of her clothes, and her soft voice fell crisply.

"Of course it is!"

Yun Jinli replied affirmatively, causing Xiao Yunyi to immediately cheer happily.

"Great! Mother is also Yiyi's most important person, then father, then brother little padded jacket and brother little seven, little uncles, grandma, and so on."

Xiao Yunyi counted with her fingers, and found that there were so many people that she couldn't count them.

"Yueyue, do you have any wishes?"

Yun Jinli asked curiously.

"I have a wish... but, I can't remember it."

Feng Liuyue said to her, it sounded unbelievable, but what she said was true.

At the bottom of her heart, there is a deep, deep wish.

She knew that she had such a wish, but she couldn't remember what it was.

"A wish that you don't even remember, how do you know it's your wish?"

When Yun Jinli heard her answer, the answer really took her by surprise.

"I just know that, apart from that wish that I can't remember, I hope that I can find the last flower, so that you will not be shrouded in the shadow of death from now on, and let Master come back to life."

Feng Liuyue has three wishes now, she can't remember the first and most important wish, but she vaguely remembers that she has an unfulfilled wish.

Maybe when she finds her true self, she will be able to know what that wish is.

She feels that she is not complete now, and seems to have forgotten some important things in the past.

Although she has memories from childhood to adulthood, her feeling is not wrong.

"You don't need to look for it, it doesn't matter if you can't find it anyway! I have the elixir of life, and after raising it, I can make soup and drink it. Let's not waste time looking for that illusory flower."

Yun Jinli immediately said, even though she searched for a long time, she finally gave up.

If the release of the death contract requires the exchange of someone else's life, how can such a release be considered a release?
"Li'er, do you know something?"

Feng Liuyue felt that Yun Jinli was hiding something from her, and when she mentioned Jing Shilian, she answered too definitely.

She knew Yun Jinli's character, she would never give up halfway.

She suddenly refused so resolutely, is there some unknown reason?

"Don't make wild guesses. I just think that since there is an elixir, we shouldn't waste everyone's time."

Yun Jinli said guiltily, she didn't expect Feng Liuyue to be so smart.

Feng Liuyue took a look at Yun Jinli, if there was something she didn't want to say, then forget it.

She will continue to look for it, after all, the elixir can't undo the death contract at all, and it will treat the symptoms but not the root cause.

"It's getting dark, let's find a place to rest. With our speed, we should be able to pass through this forest tomorrow."

Yun Jinli looked at the sky, and now they have reached the middle of the forest, there will be dangers here, there are many fierce beasts looking for food at night, it is not suitable to hurry.

It's a pity that they are not from the demon clan, otherwise they could use their sense of the demon world to open a door and pass by.

Just like Feng Liuyue and Feng Qingyun have a special sensitivity to the ghost world, as long as they find some suitable junctions, they can directly tear open the space and go to the ghost world.

But if you can walk the normal way, you will basically not do things that consume too much spiritual energy, which is very dangerous after all.

It would be unlucky to be caught in the crack of time and space.

 The first update after midnight!
  Good night little snowflakes!I'm tired today, so I won't stay up late.

  I will write the rest tomorrow.

  Babes, you can read the book "Poison Doctor Agent: Evil Monarch and Mad Empress" by Feng Lichen, Geer's husband

  At present, Ah Chen's book is still free, highly recommended!

(End of this chapter)

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