Chapter 1486 Be humble

Yun Jinli searched around, and finally they chose to rest in an open space by a stream.

I made a place, found some dry firewood, and built a fire.

After cleaning the pheasant, she takes half of it to a stew, adding fresh ingredients and nourishing herbs.

The other half of the chicken is seasoned and wrapped in lotus leaves, covered with mud and baked.

Not long after, bursts of fragrant and tempting flavors emanated from the chicken soup.


The soup in the pot boiled, and the smell made people want to swallow.

"Mother, it smells so delicious! It smells delicious."

Xiao Yunyi was sitting by the fire, holding a crystal clear stone in her hand, smelling the aroma, she took two bites.

These meals are more delicious than stone and metal, but the most helpful to her are these special crystals.

"It can be eaten after a while. The soup is for Yueyue, with some special herbs added. Mother baked delicious lotus leaf chicken for Yiyi."

Under the light of the fire, Yun Jinli's face looked very gentle.


Xiao Yunyi nodded obediently and sat beside her with a satisfied smile on her face.

She loved spending time with her mother, and was especially happy to be taken out to play.

Along the way, mother taught her many things that she had never seen before.

She really hopes that she can always be by her mother's side, and when she has a younger brother or younger sister in the future, she will not be alone.

Feng Liuyue set up a simple tent at the side, enough for the three of them to rest together.

Because it was in the forest, she sprinkled insect repellent powder around it.

Just when I was about to set up a barrier to prevent the intrusion of fierce beasts at night, I heard the voices of a group of men and women.

"It's a really good location here, with the stream and the open space."

A woman aged eighteen or nineteen said that they were attracted by the aroma and firelight.

"Senior Sister, it's nice to be here, but it looks like someone is here."

Another younger woman saw Yun Jinli and the others, so she spoke.

There were more than a dozen people in this group, both men and women, all wearing uniform styles of robes, only the embroidered patterns were different.

"What's the matter? It's their blessing to give way to our Huayue Sect disciples."

The woman who spoke before said with a proud face.

She is a female disciple of Huayue Sect, and as the daughter of Peak Master Mei, one of the ten peaks in Huayue Sect, she is usually very domineering.

"Junior Sister is right, there are only three of them, so it's enough to make room, and we will give them a little favor."

A male disciple said that they came to complete the task this time, and they were not accompanied by the elders of the sect.

"Give up your seat quickly, and these foods."

They said loftily.

"This bag of coins and a two-star elixir will be rewarded to you."

The senior sister took out a small bag of money and two-star pills, as a gesture of charity.

Yun Jinli ignored them, but opened the roasted lotus leaf chicken, and the strange fragrance emanated out, making the hungry people swallow their saliva suddenly.

Especially looking at the golden color and flowing oil of the grilled chicken, with Yun Jinli's special seasoning, it is simply mouth-watering.

Rainbow unicorn Feihong Taxue was lying beside the fire, seeing a group of people approaching aggressively, seeing Yun Jinli and the others ignoring him, because they wanted to come over and chase them away.

"Didn't your teacher teach you to be humble when you go out?"

With a flash of the knife in Yun Jinli's hand, he sliced ​​the roast chicken into thin skins, and the light of the knife shone in the fire.

(End of this chapter)

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