Chapter 1487 Our abrupt faux pas

"You little yellow-haired girl, how dare you speak to us in such a tone! I really don't know the heights of heaven and earth."

The senior sister of the Huayue Sect is named Yin Yun'er, she is used to domineering in the sect, and she always thinks that her sect is particularly powerful, so her eyes are higher than the top, and she can't tolerate the younger person in front of her to contradict her.

From her point of view, the two seniors and juniors didn't even have guards around them, so they definitely weren't from the big clan.

Many people in this forest came to try their luck, hoping to get some good things, as if they were so elegantly dressed, they were not taken to heart.


Yun Jinli just smiled disdainfully, and didn't care about them, but just glanced at Feihong Taxue.

The coercion from Feihong Taxue's body immediately radiated out, and that terrible pressure like a sea tide immediately pressed down on their entire group, causing them to fall into a quagmire in an instant.

Even if you want to take a step forward, it seems very difficult.

The huge pressure covered their bodies, making it difficult for them to breathe.

Their complexions were particularly ugly, with panic written all over their pale faces.

"What kind of spirit beast is that?"

"It's just coercion that makes us unable to move. It must be the divine beast that the elders of the division said."

"The three of them dare to stay here because they are protected by divine beasts."

"What should we do now?"

They were at a loss for a while, especially Yin Jun'er's forehead was covered with cold sweat.

"Yueyue, Yiyi, come and try."

Yun Jinli handed the roast chicken to the two of them, and he fried two more wild vegetables, then took out a pot of fragrant wine, and had a drink with the side dishes.

"We offended a few people, it was our fault, please forgive us for our abruptness."

Among the experienced disciples, there is a male disciple who leads the team. He is a little older, about 20 years old.

He was called Senior Brother by everyone. When he came out, the elders told him to protect his juniors and sisters. Even though he was very scared in his heart, he still had to speak up for everyone.

Hearing his words, Yun Jinli and the others didn't speak, they just ate seriously.

Under the pressure, they had to watch them eat and drink well, which made everyone almost vomit blood.

Originally thought that they were not planning to let themselves go, everyone was terrified.

No one in the outside world will let them. If they offend the strong, they may die without a whole body.

They don't know how strong Yun Jinli and Feng Liuyue are, but they are so young, so everyone guesses that this beast is the most powerful.

"This time, I'll let you go, but we won't give up this place to you, so let's go!"

Yun Jinli waved his hand, and Feihong Taxue withdrew his coercion, lying quietly beside him, looking beautiful and harmless.

As soon as the divine beast's coercion was released, everyone lay down on the ground in disorder, all of whom were frightened and limp.

It's just that they didn't dare to stay here for a moment, and quickly supported each other to leave.

"Mother, why are they robbing our place?"

Xiao Yunyi asked curiously.

"Because they think we are easy to bully. Many people in this world are bullying and fearing hard. If someone bullies you, then you have to be more vicious than him. Evasion and cowardice will only make you bullied worse."

Yun Jinli said to her to let her understand the way of survival.

It is impossible for her to guard Xiao Yunyi all her life, she will return to the Yi clan in the future.

"Mmm, Yiyi understands."

Xiao Yunyi nodded.

"Does Yiyi want to have an older brother?"

Yun Jinli asked.


Xiao Yunyi's soft voice was full of affirmation.

"Yi also wants a younger brother and younger sister."


(End of this chapter)

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