Chapter 1527 Strong obsession in heart

"This sacred tree can make those children who have turned into ivy demon fruits reunite into human form. They need to be tied to the branches of the sacred tree with golden threads, and then receive the blessings of everyone and the protection of the sacred tree."

Yun Jinli sensed the movement here and came under the tree.

Hearing Bai Li's question, he answered it.

"Xiao Jin, can this sacred tree really help them?"

Bai Li said in surprise, with joy in his eyes.

"That's natural. This is the burning wood of ten thousand years. Once it is revived and reborn, it will exude a powerful vitality every moment. Those monster fruits can still be condensed into shapes. After all, the soul inside is still there."

Yun Jinli nodded. Their monster power and souls are still there, they just need to practice again, and with the power of this sacred tree, they can recover in a shorter time.

"It just takes a long time, I don't know if it is hundreds of years or how long."

"Hope is better than despair. Xiao Jin, it seems too thin to say thank you."

When Bai Li learned of this method, another big stone in his heart was relieved.

"Then you can repay Xiaojin with your body promise!"

God Luanqing encouraged him from the sidelines, in a completely joking tone.

"If Xiaojin's not impossible."

Bai Li answered with a serious face, which almost choked Yun Jinli to death.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Yun Jinli couldn't help but think of Bai Li's alluring appearance last night, and then looked at him in amazement.

"Xiaobai, haven't you finished solving it yet? I'll prescribe a prescription for you, so as not to hurt your body."


Bai Li's handsome face burst into red, his cheeks were burning red to the base of his ears, and those long and pointed ears were all dyed red.

"Pfft haha!"

Seeing Bai Li's embarrassment, Master Luanqing couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"I was just drugged last night. It's not what you think."

Bai Li quickly explained, but the two still looked at each other meaningfully.

"I'll arrange this, let's go first."

He blushed so much that he hurriedly made an excuse to arrange this matter.

When the news of the awakening of the Sizhao Divine Tree came out along with the news that the ivy demon fruit was hung on the sacred tree and could be transformed into a new life under the protection of the divine tree, Baicheng was immediately ebullient.

"It's true that the tree god has returned, and my poor child has been saved."

"Your Majesty said that it will take a long time to transform them. No matter how long it takes, we will wait."

"Beware of traitors who come to steal the demon fruit, we must protect it with all our might."

Under the escort of countless people, those ivy demon fruits were tied to the flower branches of the Sizhao God Tree, and each one seemed to be shining.

The aura of the Sizhao God Tree shrouded the Ivy Demon Fruit. The parents of countless children hugged their heads and cried loudly, but they were no longer in despair when they learned that their children could come back.

Protecting the Sizhao God Tree and the children is the strongest obsession in their hearts.

Countless figures kneeling and praying under the sacred tree are full of piety.

Lines of invisible power passed from them to every fruit of the Sizhaoshen Tree.

"The war is about to start, my god, please take Xiaojin away! These are the things Xiaojin needs, and you will pass them on to her for me."

After Bai Li arranged the matter properly, he handed over the collected medicinal materials to God Luanqing.

"Why don't you give it to her yourself? Don't you say goodbye yourself?"

Master Luan Qing glanced at Bai Li, wondering what his plan was.

"Xiao Jin is too smart. If she knew that we were fighting here, she would definitely not want to leave. She would stay and help me. She has done enough for me. I just hope that she will not be involved in this ruthless war. "

Bai Li leaned against the railing of a high-rise building, his long hair was blown by the strong wind, and his eyes were as soft as water.

(End of this chapter)

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