Chapter 1528 is just a goose
"Okay! This great god promised to help you pass it on. Now that you have a powerful ally, I can also retire."

Master Luan Qing patted Bai Li on the shoulder.

"Take care, little fox!"

"God, protect her for me."

Bai Li really wanted to travel the world with Yun Jinli, even if he made his home all over the world.

However, in today's demon world, he cannot leave, and he must also shoulder the responsibility of the king.

Because he is a man!Be a king!

"You don't need to say this, the Great God will protect her as if he were protecting his own life."

The Great God Luanqing said seriously, as if he was talking about his beloved woman, making Bai Li think that the Great God liked Yun Jinli?

But the next sentence left Bai Li speechless for a while.

"Otherwise, if the dead woman dies, can this great god, the contractor, still live alone?"

His disdainful words were slightly awkward in anger, but whether it was a joke or the truth, only he himself would know.

"All right……"

Bai Li knew the truth, but in his heart he was envious of the contractual relationship between God Luanqing and Yun Jinli.

It's just that he understood that Yun Jinli's termination of the contract was for his own good. If the White Emperor of the Yaozu was the spiritual pet of the human race, and if this was known, then he would have no prestige in the demon world, let alone subdue all races.

If other people have contracted the demon emperor as a spiritual pet, they can drive them at will, and they will not be willing to cancel the contract no matter what, but try to benefit from it.

But when Yun Jinli learned that he was going to return, she resolutely restored his free body. It was impossible not to be moved.

No matter whether the contract is in or not, his heart will not change.

"You leave from the secret path, you know that secret path, and you have the pass token in your hand."

"Well. Are you leaving today?"

Great God Luanqing asked.

"Let's go immediately!"

Although Bai Li was reluctant to part with Yun Jinli, he still urged them to leave this place that was about to become a battlefield.

He has decided to fight to the death with the Snake Monster Clan, and he will definitely take back those fallen lands, and let those weak Monster Clans who are oppressed like the Baicao Clan regain their freedom.

"it is good."

Master Luanqing responded, and immediately took Yun Jinli out of the city.

Now only the secret passage can leave, and other places have been blocked.

"Master, you left in such a hurry, and you haven't said goodbye to Xiaobai yet."

Yun Jinli said.

"The little fox said that he is too busy and has no time to see us off now. I am in a hurry to find my enemy. There is nothing else going on here. If you don't want to leave, then I will not be responsible for sending you out of the demon world."

Master Luanqing said with a look of embarrassment.

"Naturally, it's faster to take the ride of the Great God. Xiaobai should be able to deal with it here. Even if it's a monster clan war, there is Cangquan to help. After all, I'm a foreign race, so it's not convenient to intervene too much."

Yun Jinli left with Master Luanqing very cooperatively. Hearing what she said, he understood that even if Bai Li didn't want to tell her, she still knew everything.

She didn't insist on staying, on the one hand, she didn't want to worry Bai Li, on the other hand, she also believed that Bai Li had the strength to subdue the Yaozu now.

If she participates in the Yaozu battle by herself, it will become an excuse for the other party to slander Baili, so she will not act casually if it is not necessary.

"You see clearly, but it's a pity that the little fox still thinks he's smart. Don't everyone say that foxes are the most cunning and smartest? Why do I think you are the most cunning one?"

God Luanqing said speechlessly.

"Instead, it's the little fox, just a goose."

"Ha ha!"

(End of this chapter)

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