Chapter 1529

After Bai Li was sure that God Luanqing and Yun Jinli were gone, he summoned the whole city to inform the news that the Snake Monster Clan was about to commit an attack. At first, everyone was a little panicked, but after hearing Bai Li's words, they immediately became very excited. fighting spirit.

"Willing to be an avenger for innocent children, and fight with this emperor!"

"We do!"

"Besides, this emperor has to announce one more thing. The wolf demon clan has become an ally with this emperor."

The white fence stood on the high platform, and the majestic voice fell clearly, immediately attracting cheers from countless people.


"With such powerful allies as the wolf demon clan, our Baicheng will surely win!"

"Baicheng must win!"

Seeing that everyone was full of fighting spirit, Bai Li also nodded.

The news of the revival of the Sizhao God Tree and the addition of allies of the wolf demon clan lifted everyone's spirits. In addition, because they saw the children being tortured these days, everyone wanted to tear those culprits to pieces.

"The emperor knows that many of your friends and relatives are still under the coercion of those traitors. Compromise and fear are useless. We must resist and defeat them in exchange for real peace. Otherwise, we will only be reduced to them. slave!"

Bai Li said these words to some coerced people hiding in the city, and let them make their own decisions.

"As long as you have a little courage, the tribe will have a little more hope of freedom."

Hearing his words, some people were really moved.

"You are the people of this emperor, and both the emperor and the tree god will protect you."

Bai Li is no longer the unpopular demon emperor back then, and his words moved the people of Baicheng.

"Swear to protect His Majesty! Swear to protect the tree god! Swear to protect Baicheng!"

Someone took the lead in shouting, and the sound of oaths came and went like waves.

The great god Luanqing took Yun Jinli to break the boundary and leave, and the war between the monster clan also broke out.

The Snake Monster Clan thought that Baicheng was now a mess, and originally wanted to take Baicheng in one fell swoop, but they were hit head-on and suffered heavy losses.

The most important thing is the alliance between the wolf demon clan and Baidi, the powerful power immediately shocked all the clans in the demon world.

The Snow Wolf King came out of the mountain himself, so powerful that it was shocking, and drove the minions of the demon clan out of the demon world.

Not only the territory of the Baicao clan was liberated, but also the land of many monster clans was taken back.

The Snake Monster Clan tried in vain to drive a wedge between Snow Wolf King and Baidi's alliance, spreading rumors that Snow Wolf King was so powerful that he would take away Baidi's position.

However, the Snow Wolf King announced in person: "I will not fight for the position of the Demon Emperor, but only fight for the peace of the Demon Clan and a stable home for the Wolf Demon Clan. There is only one Demon Emperor, and that is the White Emperor."

With the words of the Snow Wolf King, everyone felt at ease.

"If Snow Wolf King wants the position of Demon Emperor, why wait until now?"

"Even the powerful wolf monster clan has come out, what are we afraid of?"

"Support the White Emperor and expel the traitors."

With the support of the Snow Wolf King, the Snake Monster Clan was defeated like a mountain.

At this moment, Yun Jinli had already returned to Bi'an City, and she wanted to surprise Bei Chenjue, so she didn't tell him that she was back.

God Luanqing gave her the medicinal materials collected by Baili, and it was very rare to find them in such a short time.

It's just that in addition to those medicinal items, she also needs a very important medicine primer called "Dragon Soul Spring".

After she returned to the human world, she immediately searched for the whereabouts of this object.

It is learned that this object is in the imperial capital of the ancient Dragon Soul Kingdom, and it is said that it is in the hands of the royal family of Xiling.

As soon as she arrived at the other side of the city, she saw the Yin Qi surrounding the city, which seemed to be very strange.

"Emperor Chen's breath is not right, it's too weak."

Yun Jinli said, with worry in her eyes.

"The Star God Tree is in big trouble today."

The Great God Luanqing said to her with a serious look on his face.

 Good night, little snowflakes!

(End of this chapter)

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