The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 156 Mysterious Force Ten Thousand Gu Sect

Chapter 156 Mysterious Force Ten Thousand Gu Sect

"I know you went out to get revenge, but it's been so long, how can you find the person who killed your young lady?"

Yun Jinli used her mind reading skills to know what she was thinking, and Shili wanted to avenge her master, but that person had long since disappeared.

"I beg the girl to be perfect for ten miles. I know that woman must have fled back to her natal family. She is a member of the Wan Gu sect. As long as you find the Wan Gu sect, you can find her. I must avenge the young lady's revenge."

Shili suddenly knelt on the ground, his eyes full of sadness.

She's been stuck here for too long, and now there's a glimmer of hope, and she has to hurry no matter what.

"Myriad Gu Sect!"

Yun Jinli saw the figure of the Wan Gu sect emerging in her heart, and his attire was exactly the same as the mysterious man in black robe who killed her and her father that day.

She and her father are both poisoned by Gu, that mysterious person is a master of Gu, originally she had no clue at all, but now it seems that she has something to do with the Wan Gu sect.

"Tell me about the Wan Gu sect."

She didn't want to intervene in this matter, after all, Shili was full of uncertainties.It's just that now this Ten Thousand Gu Sect has a lot to do with her own grievances, so she can't just stand by and watch.

"The Ten Thousand Gu Sect is a very mysterious force. Those people are very good at raising Gu and using poison. The Gu technique is extremely terrifying. That woman used Gu poison to design and harm our young lady. Otherwise, our young lady is highly skilled in medicine, and she could not have died without knowing it. Not white."

Shili said heartbrokenly, that Gu poison is more sinister and vicious than ordinary poison, making it impossible to guard against.

"In that case, how can you find them?"

Yun Jinli also wants to find the culprit who killed her, and now it seems that she needs to start with the Wan Gu sect.

"No matter how mysterious they are, they are human after all, and I am not a human now, but it is more convenient to act."

Shili has stayed here for many years, and he is no longer that weak person who has no power to resist.

"I can help you, how can I know that after I save you, will you hurt us back?"

Yun Jinli was very cautious, if Shili turned his face and refused to recognize anyone, wouldn't they be asking for trouble?

"Shili is willing to recognize you as master, as long as you promise to help me out of trouble and allow me to avenge Miss."

Shiliyi gritted his teeth and said with determination.

Rather than being trapped here in despair forever, it is better to seize this glimmer of hope.

"Okay, I promise you."

Yun Jinli saw that she voluntarily handed over a wisp of soul so that she could imprint the spirit deed, so she agreed to her request.

Shili is betting on her own fate, and it can also be said that she has no other choice.

"How can I help you?"

Yun Jinli signed a spiritual contract with her, and could decide her life or death at any time.

Shili has shown all her sincerity, and she will naturally fulfill her promise.

"I don't know what is trapping me. No matter what I do, I can't leave this house."

She shook her head, she was very familiar with this room, but she couldn't find anything that trapped her.

"I'll let them look for it."

Yun Jinli guessed that the treasure that could trap ten miles should be a treasure, and she had two little helpers who were very good at finding treasures.

"Xiaobai, little girl, look around to see if there are any good things in this room."

"No problem, leave it to me!"

Bai Li immediately jumped off her shoulders and searched the house.

Little Diandian also searched seriously, they were born with a sense of treasure, and they found the target in a short time.

(End of this chapter)

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