The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 157 Special Bronze Mirror of Bana Flower

Chapter 157 Special Bronze Mirror of Bana Flower

"Miss, this stuff!"

Xiaodian pulled Yun Jinli to the front of the dressing table in the house. The furnishings here are relatively simple, and the dressing table is also very ordinary.

It can be seen that Shili and her young lady didn't have a good time here. Compared with those gorgeous pavilions, this place looks particularly dilapidated.

The only thing that caught Yun Jinli's attention was a small bronze mirror the size of a palm on the dusty dressing table.

This bronze mirror is extremely delicate, with the enchanting pattern of the other shore flower on it, and the texture on the Suzaku gate, which seems to be related to the Suzaku gate of the mysterious house in front.

She observed that the bronze mirror was extremely clean, not stained with dust, and had been carefully wiped.

"Is this bronze mirror of the other shore flower yours?"

Although Yun Jinli did not have the ability of Xiaodiandian and Baili to sense spiritual treasures, she still had eyesight.

This bronze mirror is very special. Bronze mirrors have been used to suppress evil since ancient times. It seems that Shili cannot leave this place and has nothing to do with it.

"This is a relic of my young lady. She gave this mirror to me for safekeeping before she was alive. I remember at that time, she told me that this mirror was a guardian object of her family for generations, and she has been waiting for the return of its real owner. The person who reflects the appearance is its owner."

Shili has been keeping this bronze mirror carefully for so many years. Her young lady may have expected that something would happen to her one day, so she has already made arrangements.

"This mirror can't reflect people's appearance?"

Yun Jinli looked at the mirror curiously, it was the first time he heard that there was such a miraculous mirror.

"Well, although it is a mirror, no one can be reflected in it. I heard Miss said that neither the living nor the dead can be reflected in this mirror."

Shili nodded and said, when she followed the young lady, she often saw the young lady looking at the bronze mirror, but there was no one in the mirror.

"A mirror that can't reflect people, I don't believe it, this mirror is as smooth as a lake, how can it not reflect anything?"

Ye Zhu heard Yun Jinli's words, picked up the mirror, and took a picture at himself.

The mirror is obviously not blurry, but it really can't reflect anything.

"Huh? It's really strange, this bronze mirror can't reflect my young master? Could it be that young master is too handsome?"

Ye Zhu couldn't help but sighed, making everyone dumbfounded.

"Little fat man, you think too much, you really don't need to worry about this."

Seeing his round baby face, Yun Jinli wondered where his confidence came from.

"Let me see."

Seeing that the bronze mirror seemed to be related to Suzaku Gate, Xilingtian became somewhat interested.

He picked up the bronze mirror and looked at it. The bronze mirror was heavy and full of texture.It looks like a delicate mirror, but it really can't reflect the appearance of a person.

Even if it is a vague shadow, it has never been reflected on it.

"This bronze mirror should be the thing that traps you and can't leave."

Yun Jinli said to Shili that after their verification, it proved that the bronze mirror was indeed as Shili had said, and it could not reflect anyone.

"Perhaps this is the lady's arrangement."

Shili learned that the bronze mirror was the reason for trapping her, but no resentment arose in her heart.

She didn't disappear like everyone else, probably because of the protection of the bronze mirror.

"Xiao Jin, look in the mirror!"

Bai Li also climbed up to the mirror and looked at it, wanting to see what secrets the bronze mirror held.

It's just that he saw the picture emerging in the mirror, and hurriedly shouted.

"What happened to the mirror?"

Yun Jinli leaned over to look at the bronze mirror, and saw a picture in the originally empty bronze mirror.

(End of this chapter)

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