Chapter 158

Yun Jinli reached out to pick up the bronze mirror, and her face was reflected in the mirror.

That clear picture, without a trace of blur.

The picturesque eyebrows condense the mountains and waters, which are beautiful and moving.

A pair of talking eyes seem to have a thousand words to pour out.

"Master, what are your orders?"

The other her in the mirror spoke to her.

Seeing the figure in the mirror, Shili felt excited.

Her lady waited for so long, but she couldn't find the owner of the bronze mirror, and she did.

She has always understood that from the moment she accepted the bronze mirror, she also assumed the responsibility of the young lady.

"who are you?"

Yun Jinli looked at the person in the mirror, it wasn't her.

"I am the flower of the other side of the mirror spirit, and only the master can wake me up from my slumber."

A crisp and pleasant voice came from the bronze mirror, and those playful eyes blinked at Yun Jinli.

"Just show yourself."

Looking at herself in the mirror, Yun Jinli felt like she was talking to herself.

"Yes, Master."

Jingling changed her appearance, and a cute little loli appeared in the mirror.The gorgeous Bana flowers in her hair made her pure and lovely look extraordinarily enchanting.

Yun Jinli remembered that Shili said that neither the living nor the dead can be reflected in the mirror, but now she is neither alive nor dead, wandering outside of life and death, she is a very special existence.

Yin Yang Hua chose her for this reason.

"Bi An Hua, you can set yourself free for ten miles!"

Yun Jinli said that since she promised Shili, she would fulfill her promise.

"Master, I do not restrict anyone's freedom. It is the Feng Shui bureau here that restricts her. I am the key to the ghost gate. As long as the ghost gate is closed, the Feng Shui situation in this house will be reversed."

Bianhua, the spirit of the mirror, explained to her that the lady from Shili used herself as a sacrifice to forcibly awaken the spirit of the bronze mirror and opened the gate of hell.

Otherwise, with her strength, it would be impossible to do it.

"What can I do to close the ghost gate?"

If Yun Jinli wanted to live here in the future, it would be impossible for the place to be haunted by ghosts, as there would be no way for people to live there.

"Leave this to me, but I need the help of the master. The master injects the power of death into the mirror, and I can reverse the ghost gate."

Jingling Bianhua said.

"Xiaojin, what she said is right. This bronze mirror is the key to the ghost gate. It can open or close the ghost gate. Others need to sacrifice their souls to use this key, but you are her recognized master. Sacrifice is required, just to provide the power needed."

Bai Li nodded, allowing Yun Jinli to act boldly.

Yun Jinli injected black spiritual power into the bronze mirror, and the mirror spirit appeared, and the world was suddenly darkened, and a strong wind blew up.

Countless ancient runes above the ground flew into the bronze mirror, and all the black mist was also drawn into the bronze mirror.

Everyone saw that the sky was full of darkness, and the original sunny day suddenly turned into night.

When everything stopped, the bronze mirror returned to calm, and the house became warmer.

"Thank you master!"

Shili felt that the power that restrained her had disappeared, and she was free. She immediately bowed and thanked Yun Jinli.

"You don't need to be too polite. You don't need to bow down when you are by my side in the future. All you have to do is to be loyal to me, and the rest is your freedom."

Yun Jinli raised her hand and said seriously.Hearing the words from ten miles away, a look of emotion appeared in his eyes.

"By the way, what happened to the house in front? Did it exist before?"

She thought of the other shore flowers and Nirvana Pond in the front room. This mystery has not been solved yet.

(End of this chapter)

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