Chapter 1560 It's Wrong to Do This

"Miss Liu is the elder of our Dan League, if you want to force her to stay, then our Dan League will not agree."

Day Feibai said, he looked extremely refined, but his voice was exceptionally firm.

Yun Jinli was a little surprised to see Day Feibai openly defending herself.

They are not familiar with it, and now this is the capital of the ancient Dragon Soul Kingdom, it is naturally unwise for him to act against the host.

"This matter has nothing to do with Dan League, I advise you to take care of your own affairs."

An old man said that they all had the heritage of the Ancient Dragon Soul Country, and they came out of the mountains after living in seclusion for many years, in order to preserve the foundation of the Ancient Dragon Soul Country.

Even if they violated the Xiling King's order, they still wanted to keep this young monstrous genius.

If she is allowed to grow up, it will definitely become a serious problem in the future.

"Don't bully people too much."

Day Feibai frowned, and the other medicine spirit masters, as members of the Dan League, naturally wanted to support the Dan League and expressed their support.

They have so many medicine spirit masters, they don't believe that the ancient Dragon Soul Kingdom dares to suppress them all.

"Our medicine spiritualists must be united so as not to be oppressed by powerful forces."

"It's not right for you to do this."


"You don't need to fight against the Dragon Soul Ancient Kingdom for this palace, this palace is here, but I want to see what you have to keep me."

With a wave of Yunjinli's water-blue long sleeves, the powerful aura emanating from his body choked everyone.

No one thought that this beautiful and slender girl would possess such powerful power.

That strong aura made all the medicine spirit masters present go limp in fright.

Ye Shuhe and her senior brother, because of their low strength, were directly intimidated by that coercion and collapsed to the ground.

Naturally, the coercion above the Supreme Realm was not something ordinary people could bear. Even if they were not in the closest position to Yun Jinli, they were all terrified.

A Ninth Grade Heavenly Venerate at such an age is absolutely shocking!
Even the old men of the Xiling tribe were frightened.

"Where did the little pervert come from?"

Everyone's heart trembled, feeling the cold wind howling.

"This is the coercion of Tianzun level, this little girl should not be too scary."

Day Feibai was also taken aback, he didn't expect this little Jiaohua to suddenly become a domineering Tianzun.

"I am the patriarch of the Hua clan and the princess of the ancient galaxy country. If you feel that you can safely bear the anger of the Hua clan and the guilt of provoking a war between the two countries, then just give it a try?"

The corner of Yun Jinli's lips curled up into a sneer, with a look of contempt in her eyes, as if standing in front of her was not a powerful hermit senior from the ancient Dragon Soul Kingdom, but a group of ants.

"Let's see if I turned the magnificent Yujing Palace into ruins first, or you took down this palace first? Oh, I forgot to tell you, my grandparents love to hold grudges."

When her voice fell, these old people felt a "thump" in their hearts.

Whether it is the mysterious and unpredictable painting clan, or the sect that can cultivate such geniuses and monsters, they are all afraid of them.

Coupled with the status of Princess Beichen, the conflict between the two parties has been escalated to the level between the two countries.

"you dare!"

The old man blew his beard and stared, and released a thunder cage, trapping Yun Jinli.

"Can you try if I dare you?"

A ball of thunder surged from Yun Jinli's hand, absorbing the power of the surrounding thunder into the ball, and the cage of thunder suddenly shattered.

"You! You can use Thunder!"

These old fellows were all terrified, but they were unwilling no matter what, how could they let Yun Jinli, a monstrous genius, just leave.

Xilingtian saw these old fellows were completely frightened and stupid, and originally wanted to stop them, but now he sat there, wanting to see how angry they were.

(End of this chapter)

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