Chapter 1561 Fighting directly with them

"No matter what, you don't want to leave today."

Several people immediately summoned other old fellows of the Xiling Tribe who were retreating, and as the thunder lights fell, a large number of strong men appeared on the Ice Dragon Square.

Many of these old men are strong men who people thought had died of old age, but they actually just lived in seclusion in Longdu.

"Oh? Do you want more people to bully fewer people?"

Seeing these strong men appearing, Yun Jinli said calmly.

"It's just that many people bully few people, little girl, even if you become a supreme master at a young age, you still have to accept your fate."

The old man with white beard said, looking old-fashioned.

"Old man, you are so arrogant, believe it or not, I will burn your water city down!"

God Luanqing turned into a red bird, stepped on Yun Jinli's shoulder, and said angrily.

"A little flat-haired bastard dares to speak wild words!"

The old man with white beard said disdainfully.

At that moment, God Luanqing breathed out a mouthful of flames, and the terrifying temperature distorted the space.


The beard of the white-bearded old man was scorched. If he hadn't cut off his beard in time, he might have been burned.

He hastily stepped back a few steps and looked at God Luanqing with fear.

"This... this is a super divine beast above the divine beast!"

They didn't expect that the pet birds beside Yun Jinli were all super divine beasts.

"Since you insist on this, then I will not be polite."

Yun Jinli took out a summoning token, and after lighting up the summoning token, the space distorted for a while, and powerful figures appeared one after another.

"Girl, what's the matter with summoning us old guys?"

The ancestor of the Beichen Clan asked.

"I'm in Longdu now, and these old guys won't let me go back, and they want to bully the few with more, so I'm going to trouble the old ancestors."

Yun Jinli said, making these old men go crazy immediately.

"What the hell? You dare to bully our little girl. She is from our Beichen family. You old men dare to touch our people!"

"Stop talking nonsense with them, fight them directly, and let them know how powerful our Beichen Clan is."

"Yes! Beat those old immortals."

The old men of the Beichen tribe were full of fighting spirit, leaving the old men of the Xiling tribe speechless for a while.

"You old bastards are still alive!"

"I am also very old, and said that we will never die."

"Look at your old faces."

The old folks of the Xiling tribe naturally knew the people of the Beichen tribe, and immediately began to scold them.

The other onlookers were all dumbfounded.

They didn't expect that the expert who was like a god in their hearts actually looked like this.

"Woman, the two sides are evenly matched at best. Are you planning to fight with them and walk first?"

Great God Luanqing asked.

"No! I forgot another summoning order."

Yun Jinli took out another thing and activated another summoning order.

Following the lighting of the summoning order, another group of powerful masters appeared, this time the number was much larger.

"Senpai, you summoned us, what is your order?"

The first sentence that the leading old man uttered surprised everyone.

"They say they want more people to bully fewer people, what do you think should be done?"

Yun Jinli looked at these old guys of the undead race. She could summon them in the same continent. This was their decision to repay her.

Hearing that their benefactor was being bullied at this moment, these old guys immediately blushed.

"Fuck it! Damn it!"

"Dare to bully our benefactor, how courageous you are."

"Is it you?"

"It's not us, it's the guys on the opposite side who look very annoying."

The ancestors of the Beichen clan immediately pointed to the stunned old men of the Xiling clan, gloating over their misfortune.

(End of this chapter)

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