The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 164 The Flower Blooms Butterfly Comes

Chapter 164 The Flower Blooms Butterfly Comes

After Xilingtian cleaned up the painting building, he stood in the corridor of the painting building and saw that the originally dead garden had become lush and lush.

The dead breath was washed away by the thick greenery.

He felt as if he had come to the mountains and fields, he was clearly in the world of mortals, but he felt like living in seclusion.

A butterfly flew by and landed on a blooming petal.

"If the flowers are in full bloom, the butterflies will come."

Yun Jinli walked on the path in the garden, giving new life to those trees that could still be saved.

This time, she was able to control her spiritual power. These plants only needed a trace of vitality to come alive tenaciously, so she didn't consume too much spiritual power.

"This house is very cool, I will live there!"

Ye Zhu followed Yun Jinli around the courtyard, and happened to choose a place to live.

"Looking at the layout and orientation, this should be where the previous owner lived."

Xilingtian said, he is familiar with organ techniques, and he also understands the feng shui layout of houses.

Generally speaking, the design of courtyards and pavilions of wealthy and powerful families is very particular. This house looks like the residence of the owner of the house.

"Forget it, I'll let you live in it! I'll just live in the flower house over there. I just saw a flower house, and it's quite nice."

Ye Zhu shook his head quickly, he was more suitable for a place full of flowers and plants, it was too stressful for him to live in such a domineering place.

"Then I will live in this house."

Xilingtian saw that it was very close to Yun Jinli's residence, on the other side of the garden, facing the painting building.

He doesn't mind who lived here. Every house has its own story. After the years go by, things often change.

"There is a place to live, but we still need to buy some daily necessities. The things here are already very old."

Yun Jinli saw that the house could still be lived in, but the daily necessities were very dilapidated, so she still had to go out to buy some things.

"Okay! I'm starving to death, so I just went out to have a big meal to fill my stomach."

When Ye Zhu heard that she was going to go shopping, she immediately said excitedly.

"Let's go then!"

Yun Jinli nodded, they didn't eat anything, and it was time to fill their stomachs.

After leaving the house, they walked for a while, bypassed an alley, and arrived at the bustling market.

It is very convenient to buy things here, but because of the terrible reputation of the haunted house, so far no one dares to live near it.

There was a time-honored bun shop at the entrance of the alley, so Yun Jinli bought some buns and distributed them to everyone.

"Why do you just eat steamed stuffed buns? How can you be full? Master invites you to have a big meal. I heard that the most famous restaurant here is Baizhenlou, where there are all kinds of delicacies from mountains and seas."

Ye Zhu said longingly, he had heard about Baizhen Tower a long time ago, and wanted to take this opportunity to taste it.

"Fatty, do you have money to eat big meals?"

Seeing that Ye Zhu came to live in the haunted house in Xilingtian, he must be very poor.


Ye Zhu remembered that he had slipped away this time and did not bring much money with him, and felt embarrassed for a while.

"Eat steamed stuffed buns honestly, keep your stomach full!"

Yun Jinli stuffed him with a bag of steamed buns, seeing his embarrassed look, she couldn't help smiling.


Seeing Yun Jinli's smile, Ye Zhu relieved his inner embarrassment.

"In the future, I will definitely treat you to a good meal, now eat buns!"

"Okay! Then I want to eat a lot of delicious food."

Xiao DianDian said in a childlike voice, she has a cute appearance and is cute and affectionate.

(End of this chapter)

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